Service Provided
- Photocopying
- Computers & printing
- Inter Library Loan (ILL)
- Reserves
- Ask a Librarian (Reference librarian; Director)
Copying is available. Users must provide their own paper for copying. The library abides by the FSM Code Title 35 Copyright law.
10 computers are available for research use and 6 computers are available for email use. Valid COM-FSM ID cards are required in order to use the computers. Users must provide their own paper to print documents and provide their own storage media to save files on. Library users can print from any library computer to a networked laser printer. If you are using your personal laptop, you will need to transfer your document to a library computer in order to print: the network printing system does not support external computers.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is available through the Learning Resources Center for borrowing books, journal articles, and media that are not available in the library. Users who wish to place an ILL request should fill out the ILL Request Form. Allow at least three to five weeks for processing.
Instructors can place materials "on reserve" in the library to help students have access to required class materials.
Reference providers are available to help you find information on library shelves and in electronic databases.