Certificate of Achievement in Basic Public Health (CABPH)

This basic program provides a start for new entrants into the health training domain, as well as providing adequate academic bases to many of those who entered public health practice without formal training.  It could also attract professionals/ practitioners of other domains to re-orient themselves towards a career in health.
This step provides also a bridging program into the Advanced Certificate of Achievement in Public Health (ACAPH) and thus the Associate of Science Degree in Public Health (ASDPH).
Entry criteria: High school graduation or GED
All candidates to sit C.O.M.E.T. (College of Micronesia Entry Test)
Total credits required = 35

Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Recognize and describe basic health science facts and principles;
  2. Discuss the essential public health functions;
  3. Describe adult, children and family health issues;
  4. Demonstrate an understanding and practice of some generic public health competencies;
  5. Demonstrate proper public health skills for public health practice in the community as a state or local junior public health officer;
  6. Demonstrate community and cultural sensitivity in the health care environment;
  7. Describe the determinants and problems of adults, children and families;
  8. Demonstrate proper cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid techniques;
  9. Demonstrate the ability to make a community diagnosis based on the determinants of health in a community;
  10. Identify good public health practice; and
  11. Have had work experience at a public health area/ section.

General Education courses and credits (16):
ESL 079  Study skills (3)
ESL 089  Reading V (3)
ESL 099  Writing V (3)
MS 099  Intermediate Algebra (4)
SC 094  Family Health (3)

PHTP/ Major courses and credits (19):
PH 041  Community Education (3)
PH 049  Behavioural Health (2)
PH 051  Introduction to Information Systems for Health Managers (3)
PH 052  Essential Public Health Functions and Primary Health Care (3)
PH 053  Practicum Placement in a Public Health Service (3)
PH 069  Dental Health (2)
PH 079  First Aid (3)

Course Descriptions

PH 041  Community Education (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course enables students to develop an ideological base for non formal education practice in health care setting and in the community.  It discusses the motivation of learning in adults and various principles of teaching arising from community analysis.  Students will be introduced to a wide range of teaching methods suitable for use in non formal education which would help them develop appropriate interpersonal skills.  This course is also designed to help health workers develop training programs to support the communities. 

PH 051  Introduction to Information Systems for Health Managers (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course underscores the methodological importance of accurate, relevant, timely and complete data for effective and evidence-based decision-making by Health Managers.  A wide range of data sets, from the traditional morbidity/ mortality data through those on services utilization and resource monitoring, are presented and analyzed.  Elements of data display are introduced.  Epidemiology provides the basis for surveillance, planning and generation of health information systems which are an important component of health care.  The course will discuss the epidemiological concepts of health and measures of health, and introduces screening, epidemics evaluation and study designs.

PH 052  Essential Public Health Functions and Primary Health Care (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course gives an overview of the eleven Essential Public Health Functions (EPHF) that capture the role of national health authorities (NHA) in public health.  The course prepares students to participate in the preliminary assessment of NHA’s performance on EPHF. Students doing this course will also learn the concept, principles and components of Primary Health Care (PHC).  This would enhance their perception on the fundamental role of PHC in improving the health of people in Pacific communities and in reducing health inequalities between different groups.

PH 053  Practicum Placement in a Public Health Service (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This Placement, as well as other prescribed Placements, entails supervised attendance and participation, as allowed or directed, in the activities of the specific Public Health facility. The completion of a “Learning Portfolio – Logbook”, a written summary report by each student and the appraisal of students’ performance by the assigned Supervisor/ s will complement the assessment.