Advanced Certificate of Achievement of Public Health (ACAPH)

For students holding a CABPH this step is the natural academic progression.  However, this step offers also to the current workforce an academic entry-point towards attaining an Associate of Science Degree in Public health (ASDPH)].  Moreover, other professionals, wanting a career change, may use this as their entrance into the health domain.
This step provides the entry to the Associate of Science Degree in Public Health (ASDPH), and the ensuing Third Year Certificate of Achievement as Specialist in Public Health (CASPH; CAPHS).

Entry Criteria: Certificate of Achievement in Basic Public Health (CABPH)

Or: A qualification equivalent 1  to CABPH

And: appropriate public health work experience of at least 4 years

All candidates to sit C.O.M.E.T. (College of Micronesia Entry Test)
Total credits required = 31

Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Recognize, describe and discuss the basic public health science facts and principles;
  2. List and discuss the essential public health functions and their interrelationships at community and district level;
  3. Describe and discuss adult, children and family health issues;
  4. Discuss and demonstrate an understanding and practice of some generic public health competencies;
  5. Demonstrate proper public health skills for public health practice in the community as a district public health officer;
  6. Discuss and demonstrate community and cultural sensitivity in the health care environment;
  7. Describe and discuss the health determinants and problems of adults, children and families;
  8. Demonstrate proper cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid techniques;
  9. Demonstrate the ability and discuss how to make a community diagnosis based on the determinants of health in a community;
  10. Identify and demonstrate good public health practice; and
  11. Have had work experience at a public health facility at community and district levels.

General Education courses and credits (13):
EN 110  Advanced Reading (3)
EN 120a  Expository Writing I (3)
PH 109  Maths for Public Health (3)
CA 100  Introduction to Computing (3)
ESS 100  Exercise Sport Science, any 100-level course (1)

PHTP/ Major courses and credits (18):
PH 111  Introduction to Basic Epidemiology and Biostatistics (3)
PH 112  Introduction to Epi-Info and Computing for Public Health (3)
PH 121  Environmental Prevention and Control of Disease (3)
PH 131  Food and Nutrition in the Life Cycle (3)
PH 141  Principles of Health Promotion (3)
PH 151  Introduction to Pacific health Care Systems and Traditional Medicine (3)

(1) As determined by a Review Panel chaired by the Head of  Math and Science  Division with members of the Public Health faculty

Course Descriptions

PH 111  Introduction to Basic Epidemiology and Biostatistics (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course introduces the epidemiological principles and their application in the occurrence of health-related events in the population.  An introductory overview of biostatistics concepts and skills that are necessary for epidemiological practice will also be addressed.   Epidemiology works through studies that try to identify, describe and measure the distribution of health and disease, and their determinants, in a specific population.   

PH 112  Introduction to Epi-Info and Computing for Public Health (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course familiarizes students with the use of computers and information technology which are essential tools to enhance their academic research and writing skills.  The students will also learn how to use the Epi-Info program, a statistical software for research data management, which is frequently used in public health practice. 

PH 121  Environmental Prevention and Control of Disease (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course equips students with knowledge and skills in the preparation of information on communicable diseases for the use in the communities, with the support of public health workers.  The course will enable students to identify diseases, particularly infectious diseases; identify and apply environmental methods for disease prevention; and control transmission to humans and/or animal reservoirs.

PH 131  Food and Nutrition in the Life Cycle (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course provides theoretical principles of basic nutrition and fundamental elements of nutritional needs of different age groups in the lifecycle.  The course enables students to relate the nutritional principles to the human growth and development process; and to explore the health consequences of nutrition practices chosen by each person.  Students will understand the physiological changes related to nutrition and the important role nutrition plays in maintaining health.  This course also introduces the concept of nutritional anthropometry and growth monitoring, which may well help students to detect signs of inadequate intake of key nutrients.

PH 141  Principles of Health Promotion (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course introduces students to Health Promotion, one of the disciplines of Public Health practice.  Health Promotion is a relatively new field in most of the Pacific island countries.  As thus, the course will cover the basic principles and approaches of health promotion with particular emphasis on health promotion programs and activities taking place in Micronesia and the Pacific.  Students are expected to gain an appreciation toward the fundamental role health promotion plays in maintaining and improving the health of people in communities.

PH 151  Introduction to Pacific Health Care Systems and Traditional Medicine (3)
Pre-requisite: None
This course presents various health care systems in the Pacific and the special contexts under which these systems operate.  It provides an overview of health service organization, traditional medicine, western medicine, utilization of health services and other contemporary issues related to health.  The course offers an insight into management theories, management of the environment and organizational cultures.  The fundamentals of traditional medicine are introduced and reviewed with particular focus on Micronesian traditions, wherever applicable.