
This -was- Professor Jonathan Gourlay's home page, housed on Shark at the College of Micronesia - FSM. Views expressed and general ridiculousness are his own and not those of COM-FSM .

Jonathan has left COM-FSM, alas, to pursue "other opportunities." These opportunities consist almost entirely of eating Italian beef and lemon ice from Johnny's on the west side of Chicago. As he goes off to pursue clogged arteries he has left behind some web-pages which may be of use / interest:

COM-FSM Entrance Test Statistics - Information on entrance and placement of new students at COM-FSM from 2000 - 2007.

Course Pages and Assessment - These pages are from Spring 2008. Of use might be the "SLO assessment" and "Help pages" under the Philosophy class.

Information on Working in the English Department at COM-FSM, National Campus - For people interested in working at COM-FSM. Note that is was last updated in April 2008, so prices, etc. will not be current.

Philosophy Class Game - Evidence of a"significant learning opportunity," which may be of some limited use in someone's report.

Sapw Canoe and the Golden Basketball (With Coconut) - The Christmas poem of the poetry class from 12/06.

Kamadipw en Wahu, Pwudoi Kitti, 11/3/07

Below are links to photos of a traditional feast in Pwudoi. I haven't seen photos of this type on the net before, so I kept them here:

Part 1: Preparation
Part 2: Marching In
Part 3: Singing and Dancing
Part 3a: More Singing and Dancing
Part 4: Bringing in the Feast
Part 5: Dancing, Oiling, Speech-Making

Nahs Building in Dien - These photos may also be of some interest.

Kindergarten graduation speech from 5/07 in Pohnpeian and English.

Older sites of limited historical interest:

What used to be called the "English Web" where you can find information about humanities and even the old COM-FSM style guide (which nobody uses anymore). Also a somewhat useless report for WASC. A really ancient and poorly designed site for the staff senate is also available.

Thanks to everyone for their friendship and support over my eleven years at COM-FSM!

COM-FSM Home Page

Last Updated: May 2008