COM-FSM English Department Web Pages

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Welcome to the COM-FSM English and ESL pages brought to you by the department of Languages and Literature. Here you will find information about courses, student learning outcomes, measures, faculty and other useful resources.

English Program Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the COM-FSM English requirements, the student will be able to:

  • Understand the various elements of the writing process, including collecting information and formulating ideas, determining relationships, arranging sentences and paragraphs, establishing transitions, and revising what has been written.
  • Read accurately and critically by asking pertinent questions about a text, by asking assumptions and implications, and by evaluating ideas.
  • Use the conventions of standard written English to write an organized, coherent, and effective essay.

Click here for the official Lang/Lit site from COM-FSM. The pages you are viewing were created by Jonathan Gourlay, current division chair. All information is believed to be true and correct. Please send comments to