EN120b Expository Writing II

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Tibet Assignments

Essay #1 / Expos. II / Spring 2003 / Gourlay

You have completed the research and note taking stage of your research paper. It is now time to gather your sources and create the first draft of your essay. The thesis for your essay will be based on one of the following prompts:

1) Is Tibet a part of China or an independent country? Is Tibet oppressed? Should others care about what is happening in Tibet? Are other countries meddling in internal Chinese politics or do they have a right to challenge China in regards to Tibet?

Essay Focus: Tibet as a political unit and as a culture that is/isn’t being destroyed.

2) Are human rights being violated in Tibet? You’ll have to define “human rights” and show how they are being violated. What should be the response of the world community to human rights violations in Tibet? The U.S.? The FSM? Students at COM-FSM?

Essay Focus: Human rights. What are they and how are they being violated? What actions should people take?

3) What should the FSM’s stance concerning the “one China policy” be? Should the FSM accept Tibet as a part of China? If you believe that Tibetan human rights are being violated, is it morally defensible to take Chinese money? What connections might there be between the history of Tibet and China and the FSM?

Essay Focus: FSM foreign policy. The moral and ethical aspects of the “Tibet Question”.

Length of the Essay: 5 page body, 1 page “Works Cited”
Style: Your essay will be in MLA style. Follow the guidelines in Chapter 23. Make sure that your paper looks like the sample paper on page 262.
Citation: Follow the guidelines for MLA citation for non-electronic sources in Chapter 23. For electronic sources, follow the guidelines for COS citation in Chapter 22.
Thesis Due 2/13. The thesis must be clear and arguable.
Introduction Due 2/18.
First Draft Due 2/20 in class.
Final Draft Due 2/27 by 5PM in my box, desk, or e-mail.


Assignment #2

Group Presentation Mini-Project

Problem: We, the class, are part of an international news agency doing a special on “The Tibet Question”. We will be interviewing various groups representing different sides of this debate. You will be assigned to a group and prepare for these interviews.

Task: You will be assigned to a group, research the issues, and prepare a short 2-page brochure for the class stating your position. You will need to take into account the historical background of the issue as well as anticipating the positions held by other groups, Your presentation will consist of two parts: First, your verbal presentation will be given to the news agency (a.k.a. the class) for broadcast. Secondly, your group will hand out a report. Your report may be in the form of a brochure, article, or PowerPoint presentation.


1) You will be assigned to one of the following groups:

a. Tibetan Government in Exile
b. Chinese Government
c. International “Free Tibet” Student Group
d. Human Rights Group
e. United States Government
f. FSM Government

2) Do background research on the issues:

a. 19th Century Western Imperialism in China
b. The Chinese Civil War and the Chinese “occupation” or “reassertion of control” over Tibet in 1951.
c. The Great Cultural Revolution
d. Tiananmen Square 1989

3) What is your groups position with respect to these issues:

a. Is Tibet really an independent country or is it part of China?
b. Are Tibetan human rights being violated or are they being held to the same standard as ethnic Chinese?
c. Are Westerners interfering in Chinese affairs unfairly?
i. Are Westerners continuing their historical interference in Chinese matters?
ii. Does the international community have the right to challenge the Chinese on their activities in Tibet?
d. What should be the solution for Tibet?

4) Do the presentations:

a. The written report can be a brochure, article, or PowerPoint presentation given to the class.
b. The verbal presentation will be a 5-7 minute presentation and question/answer session.


In your report, you and your team will answer two basic questions:

1. Are Tibet and its people oppressed by the Chinese government?
2. Why should or should or shouldn’t people outside of China be concerned about Tibet?

The Groups:

Tibetan Government in Exile: Your groups perspective is that of the exiled supporters of the Dalai Lama. You currently maintain offices in Dharsalama, India and in major western cities like New York. You have as a goal the return to Tibet and the reestablishment of the Dalai Lama.

Chinese Government: As representative of the Peoples’ Republic of China, you view Tibet as an integral part of China. You oppose the efforts of the Tibetan exile groups and their supporters who seek to interfere in your countries affairs.

International “Free Tibet” Student Group: You want to establish a club at COM-FSM that works for the return to power of the Dalai Lama and “justice” for the Tibetan people. Your support your efforts through volunteers, fundraising, and the support of celebrities. You are affiliated with the many similar groups in the U.S.

Human Rights Group: Your group sees the efforts of the Chinese government to control and police the people of Tibet as being in frequent violation of basic human rights. You monitor and publicize cases of injustice and try to bring international public opinion to bear on the situation.

United States Government: While concerned about the plight of the Tibetans, you want to maintain a working relationship with the most populous of all countries. The President and the Secretary of State work through diplomacy with the Chinese government and the leaders of Tibetan exiles.

FSM Government: As leaders of a small island nation that has a long history of colonialism, you feel sympathetic to the Tibetan cause. Yet, as a poor country you will need the help and financial support of the Chinese Government. After listening to the various groups, you will have to decide whether or not to support the exiled Tibetans.

Tibetan Exile Groups:

The Tibetan Government in Exile
The Tibet Office in New York

Tibetan Human Rights Groups:

The Tibet Online Support Group
The Students for Tibet
The Free Tibet Campaign
The International Campaign for Tibet
Tibet Information Network

Chinese Government Sites:

The Chinese Embassy in Washington,DC
China Today - The Chinese News Agency
Inside China Today
China's Tibet contains Chinese view of Tibetan history and culture
Approaching Tibet - Informational Site
China, Tibet and Chinese Nation

United States Government Sites:

The Whitehouse Search Page
The US State Department
United States Information Agency on China
China's Public Relations Strategy on Tibet:

Expos. II / Research Paper #1 / Group Work / Spring 2003 / Gourlay


On Thursday, February 6th, your group will give a short (5-10 minute) presentation to the class. Remember, the main focus of this presentation is to give specific, cited examples and reasons to support your group’s position concerning Tibet. Your presentation will be graded as follows:

1) Does the group have a clear answer to the report questions? (from the handout last Thursday)
2) Does everyone in the group participate? Have they divided up the spoken presentation among members?
3) Do the members of the group speak clearly? Can they be heard?
4) Does the group provide specific examples to support their positions? Do we know the sources of these examples?
5) Is the group aware of arguments against their position? Are they refuted in their presentation?
6) Does the group ask questions of the other groups?


Your group will also provide a handout for the class to go along with the spoken presentation. You may give me the handout anytime before class and I will make copies for you – if you wait until the last minute, you may have to make your own copies! Your handout will be graded as follows:

1) Does the handout clearly state the position of the group? Is the position of the group consistent with the views of the people they are representing?
2) Is the position of the group backed up with evidence?
3) Is the evidence cited? Can we find the sources for the evidence? (If your sources are not cited correctly, I will not deduct points. However, it should be clear where all of your evidence comes from.)
4) Are there no or few grammar errors?


Note: The handout may be in “outline” form, if you like. It may also be a written narrative – whatever you like.