EN120b Expository Writing II

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Less Successful EN120b Essay

Gourley, Jonathan
Expos. II
15 May 2003

Language Loss in Micronesia

Language loss in Micronesia is a serious problem and if we don’t do something to keep our language, it will probably die in two generations (Andreas). We know that languages change every year and if we don’t do something to help keep our language, English will be the language use in Micronesia. As a matter of fact, the language that we adopted is not our native language and it can kill our own native language. We all know that the language that most of us are now using is not so easy to put a stop to it. If we loose our native language, the culture of each island will probably forget.

Some languages in the Micronesia are now started dying. Let’s take Chamorro language for example. Before, we all know that there are a lot of people who speak this language. But now that the western style influenced their cultures they stared loosing their cultures and even their language. Today, they still considered them as Chamorro but they don’t speak their native language. Only few of them still know how to play with their native tongue, but more than half of the people already had forgotten how to communicate using their native language.

Since we adopted most of the western way of life it’s really hard to avoid speaking English. It’s like that we’re in the middle of doing the western way of life that we cannot pull us back from it. We already lost most of our culture because the western way of life is so strong on our small islands. For example; in my own culture, the western way of life may be play a biggest roll in the community and as a result, the culture is now start dying out. There are words that we used for different ages, but now we started loosing them because our language was influence by the English language. (Mangwerus) One good example is when you call somebody to come and eat. In our culture, if you call a brother to eat, there’s a word to use, but if you call a sister you use a different word. We did this to show respect with others. However; this generations now was already addicted to the western style. This means that they loose the opportunity of practicing their cultures and to speak their native language perfect.

There are words now they started teaching the native language in elementary. The small kids are now practicing speaking some of the word from the elder that we hardly used. These words are now only used by those old people. We don’t know them and they hardly used them when they speak to us. Now in school culture classes teach small children the cultures and the language. They used to teach them the words we no longer used. The older people are trying to save the language and culture before it’s too late. They know that if they don’t do something they language will die. They wanted especially our age to practice the cultures so it will stay strong. Though we lost most of them, they’re trying to teach how those that they still know.

Most Micronesians have English as their first language (Andreas). For example, there are children who are Micronesians that they don’t even know how to say a word in their language. When you speak your native tongue to them, don’t worry to hear them answer you back in their native language. You might probably hear them answer you in English. They don’t even know their native language. It means that they don’t know how to speak their native tongue. It wasn’t their own fault to have English as their first language. Their parent’s just wanted them to learn English because they know that English is a very important language now to know.

We Micronesians know that education is a key of life. With out education, we will not have a good living in the future. We learn English in school and we attend school so we will have a better job in the future. That’s why parents speak English to their children so they will speak English well. But they don’t realize that language is also part of our cultures. They look only on the side that will help their child, but no on the other side that we’re loosing one of our important cultures. It’s true that we should know how to speak in English because we’re part of the US; however, we should also know our cultures first before entering others world. Isn’t that a shame trashing your own cultures and try to adopt others? As for me, I don’t feel like taking others way of life and try not to practice my own cultures. Though it endanger of dying, I still wanted to practice it because it’s my own culture.

We should do something to help save the languages in Micronesia. Some people might probably wonder about what to do to preserve the languages. In my own opinion, the College of Micronesia needs to offer classes of Micronesian language for the students to practice their languages. This is a good place for all those who wish to learn their native language and other languages in Micronesia. We might think that it is useless to do it, but it will help those who don’t know how to speak their native language. On the other hand, the very best way is that all schools in Micronesia will offer a class which students can learn their own language.

Language loss in Micronesia is a big problem and we should do something that will help prevent our language. Since we adopted most of the western way of life, it’s hard to for us to pull back our language and cultures that we already lost, but at least we practice how to use them again. Aside from these, it is a big problem for us Micronesians that we put aside our native languages and cultures and try to adopt the English way of life. We thought that the western way of life is easier than ours, but we don’t realize that our languages are endangered of dying off. So lets all work together to save the languages and cultures in Micronesia before it’s too late.

50% F – Too many verb tense errors. Too many grammar errors. Need to prove that adopting Western culture leads to language loss. Also, it’s not clear what it means to live in a Western way. The student understands how to form paragraphs, but begins to falter as the paper goes on. Once a paper gets to: “Education is the key to everything,” you know that the student has run out of ideas. Not enough sources. Not correctly cited.