Student Body Association

All full-time students are members of this association which is led by a student council.  The council includes the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and delegation representatives.  The decision-making body meets every week.  The delegations, which represents geographical areas of the FSM and other entities, meet to discuss student concerns.  Every student is a member of a delegation of his or her choice and has the opportunity to participate in student government and also to be a member of any club.

Student Union

The Student Union is adjacent to the cafeteria and is an excellent place for student to relax, listen to music, watch TV or meet and socialize with other students.  There are plans being developed to greatly expand the Student Union to further meet the student's leisure time needs.  Pohnpei Campus has a student center, locally known as "Nahs", where students socialize, and hold their recreational activities and meetings.

Clubs and Student Organizations Policy


Organizations must register each academic year with the office of the Director of Student Services or the State Campus Director as applicable.  While registration entitles an organization to certain rights, it does not imply COM-FSM sponsorship or approval.  All organizations are to observe all local, state and national laws, the COM-FSM Student Conduct Policy, and all rules and regulations of the College including those describing the responsibilities of clubs.  Membership in organizations must be open to all persons without regard to race, sex, religion, disability, island of origin, or sexual orientation.  Membership in organizations is voluntary.  Members may disassociate at any time.

COM-FSM assumes no legal responsibilities for any student club activities held off campus. Advisors are required and at least one advisor must be a member of the COM-FSM faculty and staff.


Student clubs and other organizations can contribute to students’ adjustment to college life by facilitating their process of social, academic, and vocational direction and development. College life consists of much more than going to classes, taking tests, and doing research.  Though these are a major part of the college experience, taking part in campus activities offers a chance to meet new friends and to have a great time as well as explore their own potential for professional development, leadership, and creativity. A policy is needed to provide structure for the forming of organizations on campus.


This policy applies to all Student Clubs and Organizations except sports teams.


To register as an organization with the College, the organization must submit the following to the office of the Director of Student Services or the State Campus Director:

  • Student Club Registration Form

  • Current constitution and by-laws of the organization (Format available at the office of Director of Student Services and State Campus Director)

  • A summary of the previous year’s activities (not applicable to new organizations)

Organizations, their officers, members and advisors are expected to take responsibility for all aspects of their activities including but not limited to:

  • Uphold all local, state and federal laws
  • Handle the Club's Finances Responsibly and Honestly by:
    1. Depositing all fund raised money in a bank account under the group’s name.  The account must require two signatures for all transactions, one of which must be the faculty/staff advisor.
    2. Filing an annual financial report from the club treasurer in May, describing all financial transactions including all money raised and all money spent.
    3. Fulfilling all financial obligations with 30 days of receiving bills and conduct all financial business in an honest manner.
  • Comply with all college policies and procedures regarding:
    1. Health and safety
    2. Use and scheduling of college facilities and property.
    3. Student Conduct and Due Process (as described in COM-FSM Catalog and the Student Handbook).
  • Send a representative to all Student Body Association (SBA) meetings.
  • Have only full-time students as voting members and officers.
  • Not allow their club to be used as a “front” for an off-campus group in order to obtain preferential use of campus facilities or resources.
  • Conduct all business (including officer elections) in an orderly and democratic fashion.
  • Not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, disability, island of origin, or sexual orientation.
  • Maintain a current list of officers’ names and addresses in the Director of Student Services Office.
  • Register with the Director of Student Services annually and notify the Director of Student Services if the club is planning to dissolve.
  • Hold at least one publicized meeting per semester (“publicized” is defined as posting an announcement on the bulletin board by the Administration Building, Library or announcing it in classes).
  • Provide a copy of minutes for all meetings to the Director of Student Services to be kept on file in the Student Services Office.
  • Check the SBA mailbox in the Administration Office regularly for official campus correspondence.

Continued registration is dependent upon the organization’s compliance with the above requirements and the completion of an annual application for registered organization status.


The Director of Student Services, the State Campus Directors, and the Club Advisors are responsible for enforcing this policy.

Source Document:

Student Services Committee Minutes, the University of Colorado at Denver via the Internet, and the University of Oregon.