Johnson Sepety
Dorm Manager, Student Services

Student Housing

The College has two dormitories at its National Campus which can accommodate 212 students.  The residence halls are two-storey building with rest rooms and showers rooms, and laundry rooms.  Each dormitory room is shared by four students and is furnished with two bunk beds and individual student lockers.

Rooms are available on a space-available basis to full-time non-Pohnpei resident students.  Students from off-islands are given priority to live in the residence halls.  Students are required to residency and pay a $50.00 security deposit.  The security deposit may be refunded at the end of the resident's stay upon written request and assessment by the Dormitory Manager.

Guidelines in Accepting Dormitory Students

1. The Office of the Vice-President for Student Services shall prepare the list of admitted students and provide a copy to Student Life Director and Dormitory Supervisor.

2. The Office of Admission and Records shall prepare the list of transfer students provided by State Campuses, and provide a copy to Student Life Director and Dormitory Supervisor.

3. The Student Life Director and Dormitory Supervisor shall use lists 1 and 2 as the basis in accepting new dormitory students on temporary status.  Likewise, Dormitory shall accept all returning students on temporary status.

4.   Final acceptance of dormitory students shall be evidenced by registration cards.  The Student Life Director and Dormitory Supervisor shall check the registration cards of all dormitory students to ensure that all students in the dormitory are full-time students in compliance with the College's policy.  In checking the registration cards, particular attention should be given to the Business Office stamp indicating the date the registration fee was paid.;

5.  Dormitory personnel should continuously check the registration cards up to the last day to add/drop courses.

6.  Students who are not registered for the current semester shall not be allowed to stay in the dormitory.

7.  If there are dormitory students who could not present their registration cards, the Student Life Director or the Dormitory Supervisor shall email the names of students without registration card to Business Office no later than the next working day after the add/drop courses.

8.  Business Office shall verify the list from the Business Office copy of registration cards and email the results of verification to Dormitory within two-working day.;

9.  Business Office shall prepare the final list of dormitory students who were enrolled and have paid the dormitory fee a week after the after the add/drop courses.  A copy of the list shall be provided to Student Life Director/Dormitory Supervisor.

10.  Student Life Director and Dormitory Supervisor shall check names of dormitory students against list no. 10.

11. If there are discrepancies between steps 10 and 11, reconciliation shall be handled by Business Office and Dormitory Supervisor.  If discrepancies persist, it shall be reported to VP for Student Services and Comptroller for appropriate action.

Residence Hall Policies

Application and Contract form