Certificate of Achievement Agriculture Food Technology
Program Description
With the increasing complexity of technology and the competitiveness of the export market, trained agriculture technicians are in demand. The program aims to prepare individuals to enter the agriculture profession in the public or private sector in their state or to continue on to a degree program at the National Campus.
Knowledge of the agricultural production processes and good communication and management skills will enable students, extension agents, and farmers to work in all phases of food production.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon Successful completion of this certificate, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an overall knowledge of the crop production process.
- Practice good agricultural management and marketing skills.
- Identify and demonstrate the fundamentals of food processing, preparation techniques, the relationship between the scientific principle and cooking procedures.
- Identify and demonstrate the basic skills and principles of swine and poultry production techniques, including the breed selection, feed, housing, management techniques and animal health.
- Apply the basic skills and knowledge of nursery micro-propagation practices, transplanting, harvesting, and maintenance.
- Identify the proper use of land for agriculture purposes, local ornamental, and turf management.
Program Requirements
General Education Requirement’s - 13 Credits
CA 100 Basic Computer Applications (3)
ESL 050 Technical English (3)
MS 104 Technical Math I (4)
SC 098 Survey of Science (3)
Technical Requirements - 21 0r 22 Credits
AG 084 Basic Crop Production (4)
AG 096 Field Internship (5)
Plus a minimum of 12 credits from the following:
AG 086 Micro-Propagation and Nursery Practices (4)
AG 088 Landscaping (3)
AG 090 Principles of Food Processing (3)
AG 092 Swine and Poultry Production (3)
AG 094 Farm Management and Marketing (3)
Total Requirements 34-35 Credits