Office Information

Student Body Association Officers
William Bisalen, Jr.
Vice President
Esau Yoshinobu
Cecilia Jack
Taylor Tailor
Monday thru Friday
Student Activity Coordinator
Marcellus Akapito
Work Study Students
Quinton Petewon
Bradley Mike
WIA Trainees
Patterson Bossy
Loret Asor
Joel Suda
The Student Activity Office (SAO) is under the division of Student Support Services. This office is responsible for organizing events for students outside of school and work hours. Activities include camp outs, picnics, fun nights, intramural sports, fun runs, retreats, “field day,” and many other activities that the student body has shown an interest in. Such events take place on or off campus during the evenings or weekends.
College of Micronesia - FSM
Chuuk Campus
P.O Box 879
Weno, Chuuk FM 96942