Finding Chuukese words influenced by Spanish words was difficult because the available materials on the Chuukese language did not provide clear information or link to Spanish based words. In the available dictionaries of both Chuuk lagoon and outlying islands of Chuuk, one can see many words adopted from the Japanese and the English language but none from the Spanish language. One explanation of this could be the fact that there was very little contacts made by Spaniards during their administration of the Caroline islands to Chuuk. If
you want to learn more about the Chuukese language, visit the
bibliography page of this website. |
Unlike Pohnpei and Yap, Kosrae had very little influence introduced by both Spanish missionaries and governmental administration. According to the colonization of the Eastern Carolines, the missionaries and the government leaders settled in the Spanish Colony of Mesenieng or Kolonia and concentrated its colonization activities on Pohnpei. The colonial history of Kosrae indicates that the Protestant Church, since introduced to the island in 1852 by the American Board missionary Benjamin Snow, was and is dominant to Kosrae's current culture. Because of this, Kosrae's language is dominated with English based words rather than Spanish words. |
Pohnpeian | Spanish | English |
Esdasion | Estaction | Station |
Kana | Ganar | To win |
Kandehla | Candela | Candle |
Koronihda | Corneta | Cornet |
Mahdire | Madre | Mother, head nun |
Medahlia | Medalla | Medal |
Mihsa | Misa | Mass |
Misiohn | Mission | Mission |
Pahdire | Padre | Father, priest |
Pangk | Banco | Bench |
Pehrdi | Perder | To lose |
Prinihnas | Berejena | Eggplant |
Pwurkadorio | Purgatorio | Purgatory |
Rosasrio | Rosario | Rosary |
Sokilahde | Chocolate | Chocolate |
The list of Yapese and Woleaian words below are examples of words that are influenced by the Spanish language. This is an indication of the extensive contact Spaniards had on the islands of Yap in the beginning and during the administration of the Caroline Islands. The islands of Yap were contacted by the Spaniards as early as 1527 by Saavedra, greatly influenced by the Spanish Catholic Mission since the 1st visit by Father Cantova and Walter in 1731, and played a central role in the administraton of the Western Caroline. Yap Proper was the headquarter of the first appointed governor of the Western Caroline Islands. |
Yapese | Spanish | English |
Baabaay | Bobay | Papaya |
Baarkow | Barco | Ship |
Baraandaa | Baranda | Veranda/porch |
Bibliyae | Biblia | Bible |
Biyaernees | Viernes | Friday |
Falooras | Flores | Flower |
Galbaas | Calabaza | Pumpkin/squash |
Garbaaw | Cow | |
Infiyaernoo | Infierno | Hell |
Kaahool | Cajon | Box |
Kaakaaw | ||
Kaalbuus | Calabozo | Jail/Prison |
Kaantiin | Cantina | Store |
Kaarro | Carro | Car |
Kaataakiismoe | Cateqismo | Catechism |
Kamoet/kamuut | Camote | Potato |
Koomonyoon | Comunion | Communion |
Kuruuth | Cruz | Crucifix |
Leetraa | Letra | Letter of the alphabet |
Miisae | Misa | Roman Catholic Mass |
Moeroes | Moros | Savage |
Paapaaq | Father | |
Paedrey | Padre | Priest |
Piseta | Peseta | Quarter |
Raraayaa/rraayaa | Raya | Ruler |
Saabaadoo | Sabado | Saturday |
Words and translations taken from: Yapese - English Dictionary | ||
Woleaian | Spanish | English |
Adios | Adios | Hello/goodbye |
Beibaay | Bobay | Papaya |
Paatere | Padre | Priest/missionary |
Sebado | Sabado | Saturday |
Words and translations taken from: Woleaian - English Dictionary |