What's New?
(Sept. 22 - October, 2008)

Europe Heats Up

Heat waves in the Old World are getting hotter and longer. University of Bern researchers say the most accurate measurements yet of temperature, corrected for a variety of errors, show the length of summertime hot periods has doubled in Europe since 1880. They say the frequency of heat waves has almost tripled in the same period.

The scientists said measurements in the 19th century over-estimated temperature, mainly because thermometers were usually left out in the sun, rather than in modern instrument shades. By correcting for this bias, they say they have a more accurate temperature history.

From Croatia to Sweden, the average heat wave now lasts three days, compared to one and a half days in 1880. They say this is compelling evidence that global warming creates a particularly strong effect in Europe.

Save Stomach Lose Brain

Taking the most popular medicines sold in America may cause memory problems. Indiana University researchers report long-term use of histamine2 receptor agonists (H2A) is associated with significantly increased cognitive impairment.

The drugs are sold over the counter as Pepcid, Tagamet and Zantac among others. Generic drug names include ranitidine and famotidine. The study was in African-Americans over 65, and showed almost one in five who took the acid blockers had signs of cognitive impairment. That is more than twice the rate expected. Doctors say they need more study to see what causes this and if it occurs in the population at large.
