IS 201 CIS Fall 2002 Quiz 06 Name: ___________________

- What does LAN stand for?
- What does WAN stand for?
- What does NIC stand for?
- If the hub one is unplugged, what computers cannot surf the Internet?
What is the transmission rate in bps for 10BaseT?
- What server service in Shark translates our internal IP addresses such as to external addresses such as
- What server service in Shark translates to
- Rewrite the following CSS commands using grouping:
body {background:wheat;color:saddlebrown;font-family:georgia,serif}
h1 {color:chocolate}
h2 {color:chocolate}
h3 {color:chocolate}
- Add a command to the following image tag to float the image on the left: <img src="" alt="Culture Day 2001: Yap">