- What is a bit?
- How many bits are there in a 32 byte file?
- How many bytes in a kilobyte?
- What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal number B?
- What is the meaning of the prefix "mega" in 128 megabytes?
- What is the meaning of the prefix "giga" in 2 gigaHertz?
- What is a Hertz?
- Can a computer have 64 Megahertz of RAM?
- For what does the abbreviation PNG stand?
- What is the name for the symbols =, < and >?
- What is the name of the underlying software found on all computers?
- What is software written for a group of like businesses called?
- Which compressed image file format is most appropriate for the following image:

- Which compressed image file format is most appropriate for the following image: