List the correct generic name for the following fonts (serif, sans-serif, monospace,
cursive, fantasy):
The sly brown fox jumped quickly
over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________
The sly brown fox jumped
quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________
The sly brown fox jumped
quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________
The sly brown fox
jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________
The sly brown fox jumped quickly
over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________
- Which of the five generic font types is your favorite?
- Which of the five generic font types is the easiest to read?
- What key do you hold down in Microsoft Paintbrush in order to lock the rectangle tool in
order to make a square and to lock the oval tool to make a circle?
- What is the name of the Microsoft Paintbrush program that we type at the MS-DOS prompt
in B102 in order to launch the program?
- What file format do we save paint documents for use in web pages?
- What are the advantages of using Cascading Style Sheets to set styles in HTML 4 over
setting styles in the HTML file itself as was done in HTML 3.2?
- The first graphical user interface including a mouse, a bit-mapped display, and
graphical windows was developed by what company?
- Explain why modern central processor units have small amounts of RAM called cache on the
CPU chip.
- In the "old" days (1980s) microprocessors fetched a single instruction,
decoded the instruction, processed the instruction with data, and stored the result before
fetching the next instruction. Modern CPUs speed this process up using multi-stage
multi-pipeline architectures. Explain how each of these enhancements function.
- What is a bit?
- How many bits are there in a 32 byte file?
- How many bytes in a kilobyte?
- What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal number B?
- What is the meaning of the prefix "mega" in 128 megabytes?
- What is the meaning of the prefix "giga" in 2 gigaHertz?
- What is a Hertz?
- Can a computer have 64 Megahertz of RAM?
- For what does the abbreviation PNG stand?
- What is the name for the symbols =, < and >?
- What is the name of the underlying software found on all computers?
- What is software written for a group of like businesses called?
- Which compressed image file format is most appropriate for the following image:

- Which compressed image file format is most appropriate for the following image:

- Lay out on your paper a table to handle the following data:
Joe Smith 555-1212
Jane Smudgen 555-3221
Jeff Smithers 320-2740
Jessie Smoth 350-8000
Using your layout explain the concepts of a field and record.