The suggestions below are not universally agreed upon...
- Answer all emails as promptly as possible, even if the acknowledgement is only a simple one word response such as "Thanks!"
- Emails do not carry tone. Avoid sarcasm and facetious statements.
- If an email is upsetting, file your response in your drafts folder for at least 24 hours before sending the email. Think about what you would say to the person if they really were standing right in front of you and there were witnesses standing around. Would you really say what you just wrote in that email?
- Do not forward chain letters.
- Avoid using group email address aliases unless you really intend to send the message to absolutely everyone. Target your email, send your message to those who need the information you are sharing.
- Use a subject line that specifically reflects the contents of the email. Do not use "Meeting" but rather something along the lines of "Curriculum comm meeting 13 Jul 2005 agenda."
- When replying, set your email to include the original message.
CA 100 •
Lee Ling