Ochna thomasiana

Photos taken at home of Natalia Peter in Kepinle, Kolonia.
Family: Ochnaceae
English: Mickey Mouse Plant
- Genus Species: Ochna multiflora
- Family: Ochnacaea
- Chuukese Name: unknown
- English Name: Mickey mouse plant/Bird's eye bush
- Kosrae Name: unknown
- Pohnpei Name:unkwown
- Yap Name: unknown
- Growth Form: Shrub
- Growth location: terrestrial
- Growth Environment: cultivated garden
- Growth Zone: Tropical
- Average Height: five feet
- Stem: Branching Stem
- Leaf arrangement: alternate
- Stipule: absent
- Petioles: none
- Leaf blade: narrowly elliptical; green color; accute; serrelate; pinnate
- Inflorescence:
- Floral bracts: absent
- Flower: actinomorphic
- Calyx: not observed
- Corolla: five
- Stamen: monodephous
- Ovary: center
- Style: not observed
- Fruit: not shown
- Seed: single seed; yellow when young and turned black as it gets older
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