SS 280-Directed Studies/Spring 2002


Instructor: Mariana Ben Dereas                                                        

Office Hours: 2-3:00PM (Daily)

COM-FSM/Social Science Division/F102                                           

or by appointment: 320-2480/ ext. 4510           


General Objective:


Student will demonstrate the ability to plan, research and write a major original paper (25-30 pages in length) on an important Micronesian issue.


Course Objectives:


  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to formulate a research problem and thesis that will lead to an original paper on an important Micronesian issue.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to design an appropriate research design for their chosen topic.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to develop a comprehensive research strategy using print resources from the library, electronic resources from the Internet, and human resources in the form of interviews, questionnaires and case studies.
  4. Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively implement their research strategies and gather data necessary to their research problem.
  5. Students will demonstrate the ability to write a well-structured and properly formatted paper in a clear, concise and convincing style.




There is no required textbook for this course; however, articles (hand-outs) will be given throughout the semester.  These articles will be given in advance so the students will be prepared for discussion and class activities.


Requirements and assignments:


The class will meet three times a week throughout the semester (17weeks).  There will be class lectures and occasional video presentation to supplement lectures.  Classroom discussion will be encouraged.  There will be no midterm and final exam, however, final grade will be determined through class attendance, participation, assignments and the final research paper.


Class Attendance – 20%

Research Task Completion – 40%

Final Research Paper – 40%


ü      Class Attendance – We meet three times a week; Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  If you miss class more than 6 times, you will be automatically dropped from the class.  Attendance is very important and will be in accordance to COM-FSM policy indicated in the catalog.

ü      Research Task Completion – Throughout the semester, students will be given different research tasks: for example, instructor will give them an article to read and to paraphrase.  Or a topic to find research materials for on the Internet or the library.

ü      Final Research Paper – This is due on the 17th week of the semester.  This paper, should be 25-30 pages long and should demonstrate the students understanding of chosen topic.


NOTE:  Keep in mind that all the faculty members of Social Science will read the final paper, however, I will determine final grade.


Weekly Schedule for Discussion


Week One:

I.                    Introduction of Class

II.                 Overview of important issues in contemporary Micronesia

Ø      Video: A confusing Paradise

Ø      Video:  After the Compact What then.

Ø      Video:  Women’s changing Role in Micronesia.

v      Last Day to Add/Drop Friday January 18th!!!

By the first week, you should be thinking of your paper topic


Week Two:

I.                    Exploring literature/tour 2nd floor of COM-FSM library

II.                 Tour Micronesian Seminar

III.               Tour Library of Congress

Student must find two written materials on interested topic


Week Three to Five:

Change class location from B104 to Education/Social Science Computer Lab.

I.                    Creating a bibliography

Activity due Friday.


Week Six: 

I.                    Learning to cite research materials; Paraphrase and Summarize

Student must find two written materials from the library or Internet to use for this project

v      NO SCHOOL – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd – Staff Development Day


Week Seven:

I.                    Formulating a research problem and thesis statement

Activity due Friday.


Week Eight to Nine:

I.          How to interview and use Internet material


Week Ten:

I.                    Working on outline

Outline due Friday


Week Eleven:

I.                    Introduction

v      NO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 27th AND 29th- Easter Recess/Good Friday

     Introduction activity due March 26th.


Week Twelve: 

I.                    Bibliography/Sources

       A list of material/sources used will be due Friday

v      NO SCHOOL MONDAY APRIL 1st – Cultural Day


Week Thirteen to Sixteen:

I.                    In class activity (writing the body of paper)

      Draft #1 due week Fourteen


Week   Seventeen:

I.                   Final paper due May 9th.

v      NO SCHOOL FRIDAY MAY 10th – FSM Constitution Day