Employment Opportunity
EO No: 2022-026
National Campus
P.O. Box 159
Kolonia, Pohnpei FM 96941
"The FSM is currently under lockdown or heavily restricted for certain types of travel internationally and between states due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All candidates as a condition of employment to be hired must be physically present on Pohnpei Island, at least two weeks before the start of the employment period. If a candidate is selected but cannot meet this requirement this offer may be withdrawn."
Mission Statement:
The College of Micronesia-FSM is a learner-centered institution of higher education that is committed to the success of the Federated States of Micronesia by providing academic and career & technical educational programs characterized by continuous improvement and best practices.

The college currently faces a series of challenges; the president will have the opportunity to make a difference
in the following areas:
- Determine and implement strategies to secure future funding of the college including ways to increase student enrollment and retention;
- Work effectively with the Board, faculty, staff, and students;
- Maintain accreditation by offering high quality educational programs and services provided by outstanding faculty and staff aligned with the needs of the FSM;
- Enhance student access to learning;
- Cultivate a culture of genuine communication, inclusiveness, participatory governance, and respect for cultural diversity with a shared focus on student success; and
- Enhance overall standing of COM-FSM and advocate for the college in all arenas, including communities and leadership of the FSM.
- Review current technical programs across all sites and enhance and/or develop programs to address the needs of the nation.
The President is appointed by the Board of Regents to serve as the chief executive officer of the College of Micronesia-FSM (COM-FSM) and as the official advisor to and executive agent of the Board of Regents. The President is a non-voting ex officio member of the Board and attends all Board meetings. The President, as educational and administrative head of the college, devotes her/his full time to exercising a general superintendence over all affairs of the institution and brings such matters to the attention of the Board as are appropriate to keep the Board fully informed in discharging its policy-making responsibilities. The President, on behalf of the Regents, performs all acts and executes all documents to make effective the
actions of the Board.
- Has primary responsibility for the quality of the institution including planning, development, organizing, selecting and developing personnel, and assessing institutional effectiveness with the primary focus on student success;
- Secures sufficient funding for the college by enhancing relationships with the FSM and State governments, increasing student enrollment, securing funding for implementation of the college's master infrastructure development plan, obtaining grants, and growing the endowment fund;
- Establishes a collegial process that sets the college's values, goals, and priorities;
- Appreciates cultural diversity and supports an inclusive college community;
- Ensures the college sets institutional performance standards for student achievement;
- Ensures that evaluation and planning rely on high quality research and data analysis of external and internal conditions;
- Ensures that educational planning is integrated with resource planning and allocation to support student achievement and learning;
- Ensures that the college's annual budget allocates resources to support learning and achievement;
- Establishes procedures to evaluate overall institutional planning and implementation efforts to achieve the mission of the college;
- Enhance recruitment, development, support, and retention of quality faculty and staff;
- Plans, oversees, and evaluates an administrative structure organized and staffed to reflect the college's purposes, size, and complexity;
- Delegates authority to administrators and others consistent with their responsibilities, as appropriate;
- Provides primary leadership for accreditation, ensuring that the college meets or exceeds ACCJC Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards, and Commission policies at all times;
- Assures the implementation of statutes, regulations, and Board of Regents policies and assures that college practices are consistent with the college's mission and policies, including effective control of budget and expenditures;
- Maintains a highly visible leadership role, working and communicating effectively with the communities served by the college including the Board of Regents, faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness and standing of the college;
- Perform such other additional duties as the Board may require
Applicant must have the educational credentials from a regionally accredited institution and executive leadership experience necessary to earn the respect and trust of the college, its associates abroad, and the public and private sectors in the Federated States of Micronesia. Foreign credentials must be equated to meet US standards using World Education Services at http://www.wes.org. A master's degree is the minimum qualification. Significant prior executive leadership responsibility, considerable experience in an institution of comparable size and complexity, proficiency in addressing the challenges faced by COMFSM are required. Higher education teaching experience preferred.
To ensure full consideration in the COM-FSM presidential search, candidates must submit the following documents in PDF to presidentsearch@comfsm.edu.fm
- A letter of interest addressing how the candidate's professional qualification and experience match the challenges and position profile (not to exceed three pages);
- COM-FSM application form http://www.comfsm.fm/jobs/HRdocs/employment08.pdf
- A current resume which includes personal email address and cellular phone number;
- Copies of transcripts for all degrees earned;
- Court report (background check) under 6 months old; and
- A minimum of five professional reference letters under six months old.
The College reserves the right to request or require from any applicant additional documentation or certification in addition to the minimum requirements stated in this advertisement in order to be considered for this position. All persons applying must meet or exceed any additional qualifications required in the COM-FSM Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual.