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Warschauer M., E-Mail for English Teachers, TESOL Inc., Virgina, 1995.
Why should we use E-mail and Chat with our students?
For a busy teacher, it's a lot of hard work...takes a long time.
| real, natural language (particularly for language learning) |
| empowerment
(Students learn the technology and how to communicate-good for their own personal
development as well as their professional development.) |
Electronic Class Discussions (100% Participation))
Turn taking in the Classroom (85% Teacher/15% Students)
Turn taking using chat or email for brainstorming (Students 65% and Teacher
| With younger children you can do email exchanges as a group with other classes-chat
likewise. |
| Other benefits with chatting:
| Students have faster paced interaction. |
| More language |
| And a greater variety of language |
| Levels the playing field for all personality types/ |
| Other fun stuff: Simulations-Moos, Intercultural Exchanges |
| How do we do it? (Before class)
| Make it students feel empowered/not frustrated! |
| Try to make sure your students have a lot of access. |
| Use computers and programs that are easy. |
| Make a handout for your students to follow. |
| Get assistants to help-particularly the first time. |
| Do a training with a couple of students first to see where the problems might be. |
| While training:
| have students send messages to each other as a first step |
| have students send you a copy at first |
| have students send messages to themselves |
| have students forward messages to you or to others |
| print out messages |
| download messages they receive |
| prepare, save, upload messages from a word-processing program |
| Afterwards:
| Include regular discussions about how the students are using the system, what problems
they are having, what suggestions they might have, and so forth. |
| Train the students how to use the more advanced features of the system. |
| For Classroom Activities:
| Choose a team-teaching partner you know is reliable-answers email regularly. |
| Discuss the goals that you both have. |
| If more than two teachers are participating-then use a list serve or message board to
post questions and ideas. |
| for team projects from other schools use more than email exchanges, think of a cultural
box exchange or video, student photos, artwork, school newspapers,etc. |
| make sure your students introduce themselves to each other |
| do more than just talking-work on a collaborative, task-based project that is exciting
and meaningful. (Can start out personal then building to other issues like pollution,
ozone, animal rights, etc.) |
| Assessment-list of tasks, portfolios, self-reflection, projects