Excel Lesson Plan

Excel Lesson Plan
Email Lesson Plan
PowerPoint Lesson

Microsoft Excel Lesson Plan
Benrita Martin

Project Name:   Collecting Rocks on the beach
Content Areas:  Science and Lab Activities
Time Line:  5 days
Grade Level:  5

Students will  study different kinds of rocks: colors, shapes and textures.
OBJECTIVES: Students will collect, organize, interpret data.  In addition, they will compare different textures, color including graphical representations such as bar graph, line graph .Students will also describe the uses of rocks and how to use that to support their data.  Finally, students will use word processor, database, spreadsheet and draw documents to complete the activities.

One computer
Word Processing

Activity1:  Students will be going to the beach on the first day to collect any different kinds of rocks that they find.  Each   student will have to have 10 rocks minimum on their way back to the classroom getting ready for the next day.

Activity 2:   Students will categorize the rocks or divide  them up in groups  according to their shapes, colors, textures and how they are used. The students will be divided up in three groups using the shape group, color group, and texture group.

Activity 3:  They  will measure the length and width of each rock that they are assign to.  They will  gather  together the information  and create a spreadsheet or a database using the information they've collected.  They will also make charts, graphs of their projects.

Activity 4:  In their drawings, they  will jot down all the shapes, colors and textures for the concerns of not only them but the people around them.

Activity 5: Conclude the project with a presentation report.  Each group come up and explain the drawings, spreadsheet that they have gathered and collected.

ASSESSMENT:  Each group will be graded as a whole, depending on how well they work together, how much information they have gathered, and how they do in the presentation; how well and clear they speak, demonstrate, and if the other groups understands.    The group should be evaluated by some members of the groups listening.


1. Each group should have at least two drawings: one for the drawing of the object, and two for the information statement  or collected, including the sources they used.

2. Each group should have one spreadsheet or a database matching the drawings or the spreadsheet they have made.

3. They should also have charts and graphs.

Conclusion Activity:  As a whole class activity , the teacher will draw a big circle on a big chart. Put a nose, eye and mouth.  Then, each of the students will   come up and  use a clue to stick the  rock on the paper  following the sketches.



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