Health Clinic

The staff of Health services, Sports and Recreation care about you and your health. The staff of HSR is dedicated to meeting your health care needs by promoting and maintaining the health and wellness of students. Our goal is to help students obtain skills and knowledge necessary to remain healthy and physically fit throughout life.

Clinic Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00 am– 12 noon
1:30 PM—5:00 PM


The Health services provides a comprehensive approach involving health by Health education / Health Counseling, Acute and chronic care for illness, First aid care for injuries /illness, physical check up, Preventive health care/ wound dressing provides acute and chronic care, Family planning / Family planning Counseling First aid care and Referrals to specialists /referral services to local health agencies in order to achieve goals and optimal health and wellness.

Primary Care and Emergency/ First aid care:

The primary care and emergency/first aid care is available during the hours of operation. Students will be transported to other health agencies in emergency situations. Students who have illness or injuries, which cannot be managed in the Health clinic, are referred to the hospital.

Health Education and Wellness:

The Health Education Office's primary focus is on health promotion and prevention of health-related problems. The office provides individual consultations on topics such as nutrition, disordered eating, substance use/abuse, stress management and sexual health issues. Provides programs on health-related topics for the campus community

Sports Medicine:

Care of bone, joint or muscle injuries, and/or medical problems related to exercise or athletics, are available at Pohnpei campus clinic on Tuesday afternoons during the fall and spring semesters.


All students who registered and submitted "COM-FSM Health forms" on file at Pohnpei campus clinic are eligible for Services provided in the clinic. Student family members are not eligible for any of the services.


There are no charges for any services provided in the clinic. When a student is referred to a specialist outside the Health Service, or when a student is referred for x-rays or special laboratory tests outside the Health Service, all costs, must be assumed by the student.


Medical information and records are strictly confidential. Information or records are not released to campus officials, friends or family members without the student's permission. In addition, information will not be shared with therapists or physicians who are not involved in the student's immediate care without the student's permission.

Health Educators:

Health Educators are one who provide educational and awareness programs to the campus community and/or student organizations. Programs offered include contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, nutrition, eating disorders, and drugs and alcohol abuse etc.

Family Planning

The Student Health Service encourages students who are sexually active to use the contraceptive of their choice before or during intercourse. For women who do not wish to become pregnant and who have had unprotected intercourse or failed contraception (such as a broken condom), there may be an option for a "second chance" to prevent pregnancy. Condoms, Birth control pills and depo provera injections are available in the clinic free of charge and no appointment needed.

Class Excuses:

Health clinic does provide statement or excuse slips for class attendance with a valid reason/s.

Primary Care and Emergency/ First aid care:
The primary care and emergency/first aid care is available during the hours of operation. Students will be transported to other health agencies in emergency situations. Students who have illness or injuries, which cannot be managed in the Health clinic, are referred to the hospital.
Health Education and Wellness
Sports Medicine
Health Educators
Family Planning
Class Excuses
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