

College of Micronesia — FSM
P.O. Box 159
Kolonia, Pohnpei FM 96941


Course Outline Cover Page


Study Skills   ESL079

   Course Title   Department & Number


Course Description:


Study Skills is a course designed to assist beginning students to become aware of the study techniques necessary for success at the college level. Students will apply these techniques in a variety of settings.

Course Prepared by: Patricia Pedrus, Lang/Lit Division      State: Pohnpei


Hours per Week   No. of Weeks   Total Hours   Semester Credits

Lecture   3   x   16   x   48   =   3

Laboratory   x   x   =

Workshop   x   x   =

Total Semester Credits   3

Purpose of Course:   Degree Requirement Degree Elective Certificate


Other (workshop)

Prerequisite Course(s):   Incoming degree students are placed in ESL079 via placement test. ESL079 is a requirement of the

Certificate of Achievement in General Studies

Signature, Chairperson, Curriculum Committee Date Approved by Committee

Signature, President, COM-FSM   Date Approved by President




I. Course Objectives General Objectives


  1. Students will demonstrate an awareness of how they study in general and be able to identify the specific areas in which improvement is needed.

  2. Students will display a confident and effective attitude toward studying.

  3. Students will develop the ability to use effective studying techniques for a variety of purposes.

  4. Students will use effective strategies for studying.

Specific Objectives


  1. Students will demonstrate an awareness of how they study in general and be able to identify the specific areas in which improvement is needed.


1.1: Each student will maintain a portfolio which will include his/her personal goals and objectives, daily schedule of activities, self assessments, and all assignments done by him/her during the course.

1.2: Students will evaluate their own study habits through on-going assessments.

1.3: Students will learn how to work in groups and to give and receive feedback on studying habits.

1.4: Students will use teacher-provided tools to assess their study habits.


  1. Students will display a confident and effective attitude toward studying.

2.1: Students will show confidence in their ability to study effectively by applying study skills and strategies.

2.2: Students will recognize that applying effective study strategies is useful.

2.3: Students will achieve a greater sense of self-understanding and increased self-esteem by acquiring knowledge necessary for their learning.


  1. Students will develop the ability to use effective studying techniques for a variety of purposes.

3.1: Students will use the dictionary for essential knowledge about the English language.

3.2: Students will utilize the Learning Resources Center as a resource for their learning when conducting research. This utilization will include:

  • Identifying parts of a book (title page, author, table of contents, index, etc).

  • Finding books in the LRC (OPAC, location of general collection, differences between subject and topic search).

  • Using quotations.

  • Summarizing material found in the LRC.

  • Identifying the various places in the LRC.

3.3: Students will use computers as a source of information by:

  • Performing Internet searches.

  • Attaining and using an email account

  • Using computer programs such as PowerPoint for producing projects.

3.4: Students will be able to effectively make notes when writing, reading, and listening to lectures.

3.5: Students will be able to apply the various test taking techniques.

3.6: Students will be able to effectively use selected vocabulary words necessary for clear communication.

3.7: Students will acquire study skills they can transfer to and use in other areas of their life.


3.8: Students will be able to apply reading strategies necessary for comprehension, retention, and interpretation.


4. Students will use effective strategies for studying.


4.1: Students will have knowledge of their study habits and be able to apply effective strategies for studying.

4.2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements that establish effective study habits.

4.3: Students will know how and when to apply study techniques.

Objectives for the Instructor


  1. By the end of the course, the teacher will clearly communicate to students what his/her standards and expectations are for successful completion of tasks.


1.1: Teacher will give students straightforward instructions and feedback during all stages of


1.2: Teacher will adjust the pace of the class and his/her level of involvement of consistent with

the needs of the students.

1.3: Teacher will review student work on an on-going basis and help them develop ways of understanding and applying effective techniques for studying.

1.4: Teacher will work closely with students to reinforce their awareness of their studying habits.


  1. By the end of the course, the teacher will have gained a better understanding of student's needs and will ensure these needs can be met in the next course.


2.1: Teacher will maintain a personal journal throughout the course. 2.2: Teacher will communicate with students throughout the course.

2.3: Teacher will document student performances through evaluation and criteria sheets.

H. Course Contents


The course contents are readings of selected topics in the following categories: Becoming an expert student

Making the Most of your time

Recognizing how you learn, who you are, and what you value

Taking notes

Taking Tests

Building your skills

Writing and Speaking


Choosing your courses and major

Making the most of your major

Making decisions that are right

Getting along with others

Money Matters

Stress, Health, and Wellness

Suggested Times of Instruction

Units of Instruction   Approximate Hours

Studying Habits/Major   3

Time Management   6

Learning Styles   6


Making Good Notes




Learning Vocabulary


Dictionary Use


Library Use


Computer Use


Decisions, money,


Preparing for final examinations



III. Textbook


Feldman, Robert P.O. W.E.R. Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life with CD-ROM McGraw-Hill: New York, 2004.


  1. Required Course Materials Portfolio folder.

  2. Reference Materials



  1. Instructional Costs



  1. Methods of Instruction


The instructor may use but is not limited to, the following methods of instruction: brief lectures, peer group interactions, individual research, computer-based activities, presentations, video activities, and games

  1. Evaluation


On an on-going basis, students will be assessed and evaluated to determine areas

of strengths and weaknesses for further improvement. Assessment criteria sheets will be designed for each topic learned in class. Thus, students will be graded based on assignments, tests, quizzes, class discussions, presentations, and active participation.

  1. Attendance Policy


The COM-FSM attendance policy applies to this course.

  1. Academic Honesty Policy


The COM-FSM academic honesty policy applies to this course.


Needs assessment

Linking Learning sheet Feedback sheet

Lesson Plan
