COM Homepage

Welcome to the website of the Department of Student Services at the College of Micronesia-FSM. As a window to learn about the department and its programs and services, our website is determined to provide:

- Basic information about College of Micronesia-FSM Department of Student Services and practical information and service that could be of help for our valued stakeholders (students, parents, and general public).

- Timely and detailed information about the specific programs and services.

We sincerely hope that our visitors find our website pleasant and informative. At the same time, you are most welcome to make comments and suggestions so that we can keep on improving our services on this website.

Thank you.

Ringlen P. Ringlen
VP Student Services

"making choices for a better future".
TRIO SSSP is a federal funded grant from the US Department of Education, office of the TRIO Programs and supported by COM-FSM


Special programs look into important aspects in a student's life.  These encompass counseling, academic support services and tutoring programs that make sure of a student success in the College. Specific goals and objectives in regard to a student need and concern are targeted in each of these programs.


The Peer Counseling Center is funded by UNFPA and Title X Family Planning Program.  The purpose of the Center is to promote a positive collective experience while at COM-FSM through an atmosphere which fosters understanding, sensitivity, trust, respect, and fairness. [more...]


The Student Support Services Program(SSSP) is a Trio program designed to provide comprehensive academic support services to increase retention and transfer rate of eligible students and also to foster an institutional climate that is supportive of the success of low-income, first generation college students and students with disabilities. [more...]

A+ Center

The College of Micronesia-FSM National Campus A+ Tutoring Program is committed to developing confident and competent students with improved educational results by providing assistance to succeed and accomplish academic goals.

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Copyright@2008. All Rights Reserved.
Student Services-College of Micronesia-FSM
P. O. Box 159, Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM 96941
(691) 320-2480

This page was modified last 01/04/2009
You may send your comments to the Web Development Team