Course Number: VEE125
Course Title: Electronic Circuits
General Objective
This course will introduce students to the construction and operation of various configurations of Multistage, RC coupled and Push-Pull Amplifiers. This course will also introduce students to the construction and operation of various configurations of Sine Wave and Non Sine Wave Oscillators.
Specific Objectives
will be able to:
1. describe the
purpose of Multistage Transistor Amplifiers.
2. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of RC coupled
Transistor Amplifiers.
3. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of Push-Pull
4. describe the
troubleshooting method of signal tracing a Multistage Transistor Amplifier.
5. practice
Multistage Transistor Amplifier Troubleshooting.
6. describe the
purpose of various Sine Wave Oscillators.
7. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of Hartley
8. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of Colpitts
9. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of RC Phase Shift
10. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of Crystal
Controlled Oscillators.
11. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of Sawtooth
12. describe the
operating characteristics and measure the circuit parameters of Blocking
13. describe
typical Hartley and Colpitts Oscillator faults, recognize when a Hartley and
Colpitts Oscillator is faulted and identify the faulted component.
14. describe
typical RC Phase Shift and Crystal Controlled Oscillator faults, recognize when
a RC Phase Shift and Crystal Controlled Oscillator is faulted and identify
faulted component.
15. describe
typical Non Sine Wave Oscillators, like Sawtooth and Blocking Oscillator faults,
recognize when a Non Sine Wave Oscillator like Sawtooth and Blocking
is faulted and identify the faulted component.