Course Number: SC255

Course Title: General Zoology



1. The course will introduce the students to the procedures/methods used by zoologist in classifying animals.
2. The course will also expose the students to the scientific methods of looking at a problem and attempting to come up with problem
3. The course will also introduce the students to theories that have been accepted and proven in the origin of life position in
    relationships of an organism to other animals.


Students should be able to:

 1. After given a lecture on history and define zoology the students should be able to define and list the subdivision of zoology;
 2. After given a lecture on general characteristics of life the students should be able to list at least 4 characteristics of life;
 3. After given a lecture on maintenance and existence of an individual and species the students should be able to explain in their own
    Words how an individual/species continue to exists;
  4. Given a lecture on cell morphology the students should be able to list and explain factors that effect the morphology of animal
 5. Given a lecture on cell physiology the students should be able to list chemical substances in the cell and explain how chemical
     substances move in/out of the cell.
 6. Given a lecture on cell and its structures the students should be able to name all structures of an animal cell and give the function
     of each.  The students should be able to explain the differences between animal and plant cell;
 7. After given a lecture on tissues the students should be able to list types of tissues and their locations and functions;
 8. After given a lecture on organs the students should be able to list organs in higher animals and give their functions;
 9. The students should be able to demonstrate their ability in identifying the types of tissues on animals;
10. After given a lecture on taxonomy the students should be able to - list the taxonomical systems that have been used in classifying
     animal; Students should also be able to explain the purpose of taxonomy;
11. After given a lecture on taxonomic system the students should be able to list rules of nomenclature;
12. After given another lecture on taxonomic system the students should be able to list characteristics/morphology, etc. taxonomists
     looked at when classifying animals;
13. After given lectures on phylum mesozoa the students should be able to list examples of this phylum, distinguishing characteristics,
14. After given lectures on phyla coridaria and ctenophores the students should be able to list examples of this phylum, distinguishing
     characteristics etc.;
15. After given lectures on Arthropods the students should be able to list examples of arthropods, their distinguishing characteristics
16. After given lectures on mallusz, reptiles echinodernata and chordata the students should be able to list examples of each group,
     list their general characteristics, and explain their relations to man.