Course Number:
Course Title:
Educational Psychology
1. The student will understand
summaries of educational research and its applications to teaching and learning
in the local elementary classroom.
2. The student will understand student characteristics and individual
differences as related to cognitive abilities, theories of the development of
cognition, language,
morality, and personality, human diversity, and
exceptionality and their implications for teaching and learning in the local
elementary classroom.
3. The student will understand theories of learning and motivation and their
application to the local elementary classroom.
4. The student will be able write measurable instructional objectives,
differentiate among the levels of Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain, and
analyze instructional
tasks as the basis for design of instruction.
5. The student will be familiar with basic concepts in assessment, the
interpretation of standardized test results, and techniques for assessment and
grading of student
learning in an elementary classroom.
1. The student will understand summaries of educational research and its
applications to teaching and learning in the local elementary classroom.
1a. Given summaries of educational research studies, identify
and/or summarize the following components: independent variable, dependent
variable, methodology, and
results/findings, including the
level of correlation, if applicable. Summarize the implications of the
results/findings for teaching and learning in the local elementary
2. The student will understand student characteristics and individual
differences as related to cognitive abilities, theories of the development of
cognition, language,
morality, and personality, human diversity, and
exceptionality and their implications for teaching and learning in the local
elementary classroom.
2a. Define cognitive ability in his/her own words including
local examples
2b. Describe in his/her own words and illustrate normal
distribution as it is related to cognitive ability and discusses the
implications of the normal distribution on
teaching and learning in the local
2c. Explain Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences,
administer a learning styles inventory to a parent of an elementary-age student,
summarize the results of the
inventory, and summarize the
possible accommodations for instruction to meet the needs of the elementary
student in a local elementary classroom based on the
results of the inventory
2d. Discuss in writing Piaget's theory of development
including the four (4) stages of intellectual development, the processes of
adaptation and assimilation, and the
implications of this theory for
teaching and learning in the local elementary classroom
2e Discuss in writing Bruner's stages of representation of
information and its implications for teaching and learning in the local
elementary classroom
2f. Discuss in writing Vygotsky's view of cognitive
development and its implications for teaching and learning in the local
elementary classroom
2g. Summarize in writing the development of language and the
issues associated with bilingual education with particular emphasis on the
implications for teaching and
learning in the local
elementary classroom
2h. Discuss in writing Erikson's theory of personality
development and its implications for teaching and learning in the local
elementary classroom
2i. Discuss in writing Kohlberg's theory of moral development
and its implications for teaching and learning in the local elementary classroom
2j. Discuss in writing the effects of group identity and
cultural expectations on teaching and learning in the local elementary classroom
2k. Discuss in writing the effects of exceptionality on
teaching and learning in the local elementary classroom
3. The student will understand theories of learning and motivation and their
application to the local elementary classroom.
3a. Distinguish among examples of classical conditioning,
contiguity learning, and operant conditioning and state the implications of each
for teaching and learning in a
local elementary classroom
3b. Apply principles of behavior modification to situations
in a local elementary classroom
3c. Discuss in writing Bandura's theory of social learning
and its implications for teaching and learning in the local elementary classroom
3d. Diagram and label the critical components of the
information processing model of memory showing with arrows the direction and
order of the flow of information.
Discuss in writing the
implications of the information processing model of memory for teaching and
learning in the local elementary classroom
3e. Discuss in writing instructional strategies that promote
cognitive learning and higher-order thinking and their application for teaching
and learning in a local
elementary classroom
3f. Discuss in writing instructional strategies that promote
transfer of learning and their application for teaching and learning in a local
elementary classroom
3g. Discuss in writing a variety of theories of motivation in
an elementary classroom
3h. Discuss in writing how the teaching environment can
influence motivation in a local elementary classroom
3i. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
and apply these principles to the local elementary classroom
4. The student will be able write measurable instructional objectives,
differentiate among the levels of Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain, and
analyze instructional
tasks as the basis for design of instruction.
4a. Write measurable instructional objectives based on FSM
and State curriculum standards and benchmarks
4b. Differentiate among the levels of Bloom's taxonomy of the
cognitive domain
4c. Analyze instructional tasks as the basis of the design of
5. The student will be familiar with basic concepts in assessment, the
interpretation of standardized test results, and techniques for assessment and
grading of student
learning in an elementary classroom.
5a. Compare and contrast norm-referenced and
criterion-referenced testing
5b. Define concepts of reliability and validity as related to
assessment instruments
5c. List the advantages and disadvantages of the use of
standardized tests in a local elementary classroom
5d. Interpret the results of a standardized test
5e. Design performance tests (authentic assessment
instruments) for use in a local elementary classroom
5f. Develop essay test questions for use in a local
elementary classroom
5g. Develop multiple choice test questions at various levels
of Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain
5h. Describe the role of assessment in the IEP process for a
student with special needs
5i. Develop a plan for awarding grades to students in a local
elementary classroom