Course Number: MGT320
Course Title: Organizational Behavior



Students will acquire a systematic knowledge about people and organizations that can be used to enhance organization effectiveness.


Students will be able to:

Unit 1:

1. Identify the potential advantages of organizational behavior knowledge
2. Describe how focusing on the human element can contribute to organizational and managerial effectiveness
3. Explain how a person develops organizational behavior skills

Unit 2:

1. Explain how individual differences influence the behavior of people in organizations
2. Describe key factors contributing to demographic diversity
3. Explain how mental ability relates to job performance
4. Identify major personality variables that influence job performance
5. Explain how emotional intelligence is an important part of organizational behavior.

Unit 3:
1. Explain two learning processes relevant to organizational behavior
2. Describe key aspects of the perceptual process, along with common perceptual problems
3. Discuss the importance of attitudes to behavior in organizations
4. Summarize why values are an important part of organizational behavior
5. Apply the 8-step guide to ethical decision making when faced with an ethical dilemma 

Unit 4:

1. Apply the classical/behavioral decision making model to a major decision
2. Identify and describe factors that influence effectiveness of decision making
3. Characterize the nature of creative decision making in organizations
4. Describe the conditions necessary to enhance creative problem solving ability

Unit 5:
1. Describe the need theories motivation including the needs hierarchy, two factor method and the achievement-power-affiliation triad
2. Summarize the key propositions of goal theory and reinforcement theory
3. Explain the expectancy

Unit 6:

1. Explain how to enhance motivation through job enrichment, the job characteristics model and work group design
2. Summarize the basic principles of a behavior modification program in the workplace
3. Explain why recognition is a good motivator and characterize the nature of reward and recognition programs in the workplace
4. Describe how to effectively use financial incentives to motivate others
5. Apply an appropriate motivational model to a real-life situation

Unit 7:
1. Discuss the nature of conflict in organizations and its leading causes
2. Describe the nature of work stress, its causes and consequences
3. Explain what organizations can do to manage and reduce stress

Unit 8:

1. Describe the communication process
2. Describe the impact of information technology on interpersonal communication in organizations
3. Explain how nonverbal communication can be used to enhance communication
4. Discuss the formal and non-formal channels of organizational communication
5. Summarize the barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them
6. Explain how to overcome potential cross-gender and cross-cultural communication problems

Unit 9:

1. Describe the various types of groups in organizations
2. Summarize the stages of group development and key roles members occupy within a work group
3. Identify the characteristics of an effective work group
4. Identify several potential problems with group effort and explain how to prevent them
5. Discuss how to foster teamwork

Unit 10:

1. Differentiate between leadership and management
2. Describe key leadership traits, styles and behaviors
3. Explain the basic of four different contingency theories of leadership
4. Characterize transformational and charismatic leadership
5. Explain how 360 degree feedback is used to improve leadership effectiveness
6. Identify forces that can sometimes decrease the importance of leadership
7. Identify gender differences in leadership styles

Unit 11:
1. Identify sources of power for individuals and sub units within organizations
2. Describe the essence of empowerment
3. Describe factors contributing to organizational politics
4. Identify and describe various political and influence tactics
5. Explain how managers can control dysfunctional politics
6. Differentiate between the ethical and unethical use of power, politics and influence

Unit 12 :
1. Identify and describe concepts of organizational structure
2. Specify the basic features of the bureaucratic form of organization, including how it is divided into departments
3. Describe three key modifications of a bureaucratic structure: matrix, flat, outsourcing
4. Describe the two contemporary organizational designs referred to as horizontal structures and network organizations

Unit 13:
1. Write an analysis of the importance of organizational culture
2. Describe two models of the change process in organizations
3. Explain why people resist change and how to manage such resistance
4. Explain the nature of organizational development

Unit 14:
1. Describe the 41 framework of a learning organization
2. Identify the key characteristics of a learning organization
3. Identify organizational conditions favoring knowledge management
4. Discuss strategies and techniques for knowledge management
5. Describe methods for sharing information within an organization

Unit 15:

1. Describe the scope, competitive advantages and success factors associated with cultural diversity
2. Identify and explain key dimensions of cultural differences
3. Describe what is required far managers and organizations to become multicultural
4. Discuss barriers to good cross-cultural relations
5. Explain how motivation, ethics; conflict resolution, and skills needed for negotiation can vary across cultures