Identify the interdependent components of
the modern food service and lodging setting.
{Core} be able to identify the key interrelated
and interdependent food service and lodging job functions.
2. {Core} be able to explain how the overall hospitality
service mix is an interrelated and interdependent series of elements leading to
the total quality hospitality
3. {Core} be able to explain the levels of job specialization
within the hospitality setting and how the worker fits into this system.
4. {Core} be able to analyze the marketing necessity and it's
effectiveness in the hospitality setting.
C. Identify professional work place habits.
{Core} be able to identify professional food and
beverage and lodging management and supervision skills and techniques.
2. {Core}
be able to identify effective work place self-management techniques.
3. {Core}
be able to explain methods for achieving higher productivity.
4. {Core}
be able to practice effective worker supervision techniques.