Students will be able to:
1.1 demonstrate accurate note-taking
skills, utilizing a variety of methods, as they listen to formal academic
1.2 answer questions in written form following an academic lecture demonstrating
aural reception of content.
1.3 respond appropriately orally when asked questions in English, demonstrating
their understanding of the question, their aural
reception of content, and their ability to formulate appropriate oral responses in the
academic environment.
1.4 demonstrate the ability to follow orally-given instructions and directions.
1.5 demonstrate through written and/or oral responses the ability to understand
content presented in English in various media utilized
in the academic
environment (movies, interactive multimedia CD-ROMS, television
and/or radio broadcasts, etc.)
2.1 demonstrate both receptive English and productive English by engaging in
academic discussion groups.
2.2 ask appropriate questions following an academic lecture. Such questions will
demonstrate both content knowledge gleaned from
listening to the lecture and appropriate use of English for formulating queries in
the academic environment. Settings will include
both individual
interactions with a faculty member and more public inquiries made within the classroom setting.
2.3 Interview content experts and college staff for research and administrative
2.4 present clear and accurate factual information to small and large groups
after researching assigned content.
2.5 utilize audio/visual aids in the oral presentation of material, including
current and appropriate technology (such as PowerPoint