The student will be able to do the following with 80% accuracy:
* use the present progressive, simple present, simple
past, and future tenses
* form yes/no and wh-questions in the above tenses
* use there + be in simple present, simple past, and
future tenses
* use adverbs of frequency and time appropriately
* use modals to express ability, possibility, and need
in the present tense
* use subject, object, possessive, and indefinite
* use count and non-count nouns and their appropriate
* use comparative and superlative word forms and
* use too, very, and so that in comparisons
* use nouns, and adjectives of nationality, language,
and religion
* use forms of other, another, others
* end of sentence punctuation
* capitalization at beginning of sentences, for proper
nouns, abbreviations
* commas in series, after adverbials of time and place,
addresses, dates
* Write simple, and compound sentences
* Write sentences in the following discourse
styles-description in present, past, and future, time; description
there + be; narration in the past; comparison; sequence
* Apply the writing process in writing a descriptive and
narrative paragraph with a topic sentence, 4 to 6 sentences,
and a concluding
* Write mini-research projects related to short stories
read in class
Listening & Speaking
Students will practice , both orally and in written form, the
following aural and oral skills:
* complete a cloze-type transcription with at least
75% accuracy
* retell the substance of a monologue or reading
passage in their own words with fewer than five grammatical
* answer questions of fact and inference with at least
75% accuracy
* state, in writing , the general views of each speaker
in a discussion
* students will be able to discern the presence or
absence of the -ed,-s morphemes with 90% accuracy
* identify and use verbally articles, auxiliaries, and
prepositions with 80% accuracy
* transcribe any spoken number with 100% accuracy
* understand and use idiomatic expressions each week
* present orally for not less than 1 minute daily
* present orally for not less than 5 minutes at least
two times during the course. * begin introducing critical thinking
skills through classroom discussions of articles, stories, and