Course Number: ED/RS307
Course Title: Related Services Skills and Applications
1. Students
will identify the role of Federal and local agencies and policies in
the formulation and delivery of services to children with
disabilities and
their families.
2. Students will understand "best
practices" for inclusion of children with disabilities in home, school, and
3. Students will develop teaching
strategies to promote inclusion of children with disabilities in the
4. Students will promote community
awareness about disability and inclusion.
5. Students will be familiar with
teaching strategies for children who are deaf, blind, and deaf and blind.
6. Students will understand "best
practices" for transition planning and implementation.
Students will identify the role of Federal and local agencies and
policies in the formulation and delivery of services to children with
disabilities and their families.
1.a. Identify the funding agencies involved in
funding services to children in home state.
Take the role of an advocate for an individual with a disability.
1.c. Demonstrates an understanding of IDEA, ADA,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, NCLB legislation and their
on special education services.
Students will understand
"best practices" for inclusion of children with disabilities in home, school,
and community.
2.a. Defines "inclusion" as discussed in IDEA.
2.b. Describes three different methods for
promoting social inclusion in school including circle of friends, buddy system,
brother/sister programs.
2.c. Assists parents to develop routines and
activities at home to facilitate inclusion of children with special needs at
2.d. Assists IEP team to develop routines and
activities in the community to facilitate inclusion of children with special
needs in
community activities (church, sports activities, clubs, etc.).
Students will develop
teaching strategies to promote inclusion of children with disabilities in the
3.a. Identify
children's individual interests and skills and use their internal and external
motivation strategies for developing needed
3.b. Modify
assignments for students to account for different skill and ability levels.
3.c. Use
principles of functional academics including functional reading to promote
academic skills in children with disabilities.
3.d. Set high
but alternative expectations that are suitable for individual students.
3.e. Develop
alternative assessments as needed in the classroom.
Students will promote
community awareness about disability and inclusion.
4.a. Work
collaboratively in teams to design and create materials to promote increased
disability awareness or skills in the
community such as videos, in-service
presentations, posters, television spots, public service announcements, an
playground, etc.
4.b. Teaches parents,
teachers, administrators or the general public about an aspect of disability
covered in the RSA curriculum.
4.c. Presents medical
and educational information about a child's disability to others in an organized
and professional manner.
4.d. Explain the
function of different local agencies, the population(s) the agency serves, the
funding base, services, and strengths
and weaknesses.
Students will be familiar
with teaching strategies for children who are deaf, blind, or deaf and blind.
5.a. Explain educational implications of deafness,
blindness, and deaf blindness.
5.b. Can reproduce at least 20 functional signs (ASL
or home signs) in context.
5.c. Lists specific teaching strategies to assist
blind, deaf, or deaf blind students to access curriculum.
5.d. Knows how to support mobility and
communication skills in children with sensory disabilities.
6. Students will
understand "best practices" for transition planning and implementation.
6.a. Identifies the law
as stated in IDEA about transition and transition planning.
6.b. Considers
community resources, skills and capabilities of the child, and child's desires
when writing a transition plan.