1. Become knowledgeable of the developmental theories and their application
in a Micronesian context.
1a. Summarize verbally and in writing the different theories of
Sigmund Freud
- Erik Erikson
- B. F. Skinner
- Ivan Pavlov
- Kohlberg
- Maslow
- Jean Piaget
- Gessel, etc.
1b. Debate the
issue of nature/nurture theory of human development.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the biology of human development.
2a. Explain in writing
the process of human reproduction.
2b. Discuss in writing how sex is determined.
2c. Explain prenatal environmental influences especially
those common in Micronesia.
2d. Summarize in writing the stages of prenatal development.
3. Develop an understanding of the major developmental stages of individuals
A. Birth to two years
3A.a. Explain the characteristics of the cognitive stage of children.
3A.b. Summarize the sequence of
language development of children from 0-2 years.
3A.c. Discuss in writing ways to
enhance a child's cognitive and language development in Micronesia.
3A.d. Discuss in writing how parental
behaviors affect infants' competence.
3A.e. Summarize in writing the
sequential physical development of children from 0 - 2 years.
3A.f. Compare current child-rearing
practices with the old practices in Micronesia.
B. Two to six years
3B.a. List and explain the principles of physical development. (Discuss in
writing the physical growth and motor skills of children.)
3B.b. Explain the concepts of gross
motor and fine motor skills of children.
3B.c. Explain in writing Piaget's
theory of children's cognitive levels and their characteristics.
3B.d. Explain in writing the signs
and causes of child neglect and abuse in Micronesia.
3B.e. Summarize in writing some early
signs of developmental delay in preschool children.
3B.f. Explain in writing the moral behavior of children.
3B.g. Discuss in writing the
development of emotionally healthy personalities and social bonds in Micronesia.
3B.h. Discuss in writing development
of gender roles in Micronesia.
3B.i. Explain in writing the memory
strategies of children.
C. Six to twelve years
3C.a. Explain in writing the growth patterns of children.
3C.b. Discuss verbally and in writing
the motor coordination of children
3C.c. Summarize in writing the
sequential acquisition of conservation skills of children.
3C.d. Discuss in writing how children
process information.
3C.e. Summarize in writing the
developmental trends in children's perceptions of people.
3C.f. Discuss in writing about
language development in middle childhood.
3C.g. Describe in writing how
language is enhanced in a Micronesian environment.
3C.h. Discuss verbally and in writing
about peer relationships and friendships of children.
3C.i. Explain in writing the
importance of positive parents and family relationships with the cognitive
development of children.
3C.j. Explain in writing the different types of play and the importance of play
to children's development.
3C.k. Summarize in writing the
behavioral characteristics of children.
3C.l. Relate Kohlberg's stages of
moral development to children in their elementary school years in Micronesia.
3C.m. Discuss the typical problems of
children with learning disabilities.
D. Adolescents/youth
3D.a. Summarize the characteristics of Piaget's period of formal operations of
adolescence on a written checkout
3D.b. Discuss the development of
identity stage in Micronesia.
3Dc. Discuss in writing the physical
characteristics of adolescents.
3D.d. Present verbally and in writing
the roles of adolescents in a Micronesian family and community.
4. Become knowledgeable of the various aspects and issues of middle childhood
4a. Present verbally and
in writing the pros and cons of television and video games in Micronesia.
4b. Explain in writing the effects of fatherlessness on
children's development.
4c. Discuss in verbally and in writing the consequences of
child abuse and neglect.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the various aspects and issues of adolescent
5a. Discuss verbally and
in writing the psychological effects of Micronesian adolescents.
5b. Discuss verbally and in writing the effects of drugs and
alcohol abuse in Micronesia.
5c. Discuss verbally and in writing parenting issues of
5d. Present verbally and in writing the adolescents'
portrayal of "storm and stress" including initiation rites for boys and girls in