Course Number: CHS251A
Course Title: Health Problems in Children
Students will acquire medical skills needed
to recognize and respond to the major health problems in children using standard
WHO (the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness), FSM national, and state
protocols. They keep proper clinical records and referral forms and records.
They will use registries to facilitate delivery of ongoing care to high risk
Students will be able to:
Explain the 10 principles for health
workers in the Code of Conduct of the International Red Cross as they apply both
to disaster
relief and community health (see Community Health. Wood, CH. AMREF,
2nd ed. Nairobi Kenya, 1997.)
Define confidentiality and explain
why it is important for all health workers to preserve confidentiality.
Demonstrate 3 techniques for
establishing rapport with a child.
Take and record vital signs correctly.
Identify normal vs. abnormal values for vital signs and recognize the
significance of particular abnormal values.
Identify safe traditional remedies for the following symptoms: cough, runny
nose, headache, body ache, abdominal
pain, skin bruises, constipation, rash and
Recognize when it is dangerous to delay or interrupt modern medical treatments.
Correctly diagnose child illness, counsel and treat according the Integrated
Management of Childhood Illness
Correctly recognize, counsel and treat other childhood conditions using criteria
in FSM national and state protocols
for care of sick children.
Counsel parents at time of treatment of child regarding specific preventive
measures for each of the major disease
Recognize child neglect and abuse and select appropriate response.
Accurately measure height and weight, plot on growth chart, interpret findings
and select proper response.
Counsel parents of underweight and overweight children, remembering to cite
reasons for concern, and to give
specific diet and realistic activity
Recognize the indications, common side effects and dangers of each medicine on
the dispensary essential drug list.
Select correct doses of meds based on diagnosis, patient age and weight.
Recognize signs and symptoms in children that warrant referral to a higher level
of care for the following: eye, ear,
mouth and pharynx, chest, abdomen,
genitor-urinary tract, nervous system and extremities.
Classify children as normal vs. abnormal based on age and developmental
milestones and select proper management
for children with developmental delay.
Select proper treatment and monitoring plan for patients with tuberculosis and
Hansen's disease.
Demonstrate proper procedure for DOT dose administration.
Select proper public health actions for acute flaccid paralysis, rash + fever
illness, multiple cases of profuse
watery diarrhea, dengue-like illnesses, TB
and Hansen's disease.
Calculate the prevalence of children's health problems (e.g. anemia,
underweight, obesity) using raw data and
explain how this information can be
Provide proper counseling for support of breastfeeding, weaning, and
breastfeeding difficulties.
Demonstrate proper paper records and communications for hospital referral.
Construct a registry for (CSHCNs) children with special health care needs
(including those for a dispensary
catchment area (including those with social
problems, rheumatic fever, developmental delay, congenital heart
failure to thrive, physical disabilities).