Course Number: CHS232A
Course Title: Non-Communicable/Communicable Diseases
Students will develop knowledge and skills
needed to accurately and effectively advise and provide specific preventive
services to prevent disease and disability in the community. Basic first-line
diagnosis and curative care for these diseases is also covered.
Students will be able to:
Explain the 10 principles for health
workers in the Code of Conduct of the International Red Cross as they apply both
to disaster
relief and community health (see Community Health. Wood, CH. AMREF,
2nd ed. Nairobi Kenya, 1997.)
Define confidentiality and explain
why it is important for all health workers to preserve confidentiality.
Demonstrate 3 techniques for
establishing rapport with a patient.
Identify the location and function of organs affected by each of the core
Describe how each disease causes dysfunction of affected organ systems.
Describe how dysfunction results in symptoms, illness and death from each core
Identify which important diseases are suggested by the presence of common
Identify safe traditional remedies for common disease symptoms.
Identify situations when it is dangerous to delay or interrupt modern medical
treatments for these diseases.
Describe the roles of host factors, disease agent and environment (including
disease vectors) in the production of
illness for each condition.
Describe the typical time course of each condition, including the
pre-clinical/incubation period.
Recognize the typical presentation of each of the core diseases, select the
proper method for diagnostic
confirmation and select the first line treatment
for the condition.
Explain indications for referral of patients with each condition to a higher
level of care.
Select the proper treatment, including the dose and dose interval and cautions
and contraindications of
medications on the state essential medication list that
are used to treat these conditions.
Prescribe the proper follow-up for patients being treated for each core
condition, including what parameters are to
be checked on follow-up.
Identify behavioral risk factors for each of the core diseases.
Use a systematic approach to setting incremental and measurable behavior change
goals with patients for
modification of behavioral risk factors.
Demonstrate mastery in the use of flip charts to systematically deliver key
messages about disease.
Use educational materials in order to promote understanding and motivation for
people to use the MODFAT diet.
Take accurate readings of pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and
blood glucose.
Identify whether readings taken are normal or abnormal, and relate the
significance of abnormal readings.
Take accurate readings of weight and height, and plot these on a BMI (body mass
index) chart.
Use the chart to classify patients as normal, underweight, overweight or obese
and relate the significance of these
Identify lesions that are suspicious for Hansen's disease by inspecting skin.
Perform a systematic exam of feet of patients with diabetes and Hansen's disease
to detect risk factors for foot
Based on these foot exam findings offer appropriate counseling for the
prevention of foot ulcers and amputations.