Students will be introduced to plumbing maintenance, installation, design considerations and pipefitting for construction. The National Plumbing Code will be referenced for all theory and practice.


Program Learning Outcomes


Upon program completion the successful graduate will be able to competently perform the following skills:


1.       Identify safety and occupational health requirements in the plumbing trade.

2.       Use specified hand and power tools for the plumbing trade.

3.       Interpret information from blue print drawings and technical instructions related to plumbing work.

4.       Perform basic hand skills in pipe fitting, fixtures & faucets installation, and drain & waste system installation in a residential plumbing
   systems to given specifications.

5.       Perform cost estimate in a specified project in the plumbing trade.

6.       Design and Build a simple residential plumbing system.

7.       Participate in the plumbing profession.