College of Micronesia-FSM
P. 0. Box 159 Kolonia
Pohnpei FM 96941
Course Outline
Course Title |
Department and Number |
Health Science |
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics SC
101 |
Course Description:This is a course on introduction to basic
human anatomy and its functions, disease and disease carriers, nutrition,
Physical fitness, drug, sex education, environmental and community health.
Course Prepared by:Jazmin Gonzales
Date prepared: 12/12/2003
Hours per Week |
No. of Week |
Total Hours |
Semester Credits |
Lecture |
3 |
x |
16 |
x |
48/16 |
= |
3 |
Laboratory |
Workshop |
Study |
Total Semester Credits: |
= |
3 |
Purpose of Course
Degree Requirement: ______
Degree Elective: ___X___
Remedial: ______
Other: ______
Prerequisite Course:ESL 089 Reading V.
Date approved by Committee:_______________
approved by President:_______________
- Health careers program learning outcomes
Students will be able
[These outcomes have not yet been formally discussed nor has
the measurability of these outcomes been determined. These should be
considered placeholders for program level outcomes to be developed at a later
- describe the structure,
function, and basic pathologies of the human
- communicate health, nutrition,
and premedical information in both written
and oral formats.
- describe health care and
allied professions.
- demonstrate a foundation in
basic biology, chemistry, microbiology, anatomy,
nutrition, health, and physiology.
- work effectively in groups to solve human life sciences and health problems.
- quantify and analyze human
life sciences and health problems using
analytical, statistical, and computer methods.
- acquire and synthesize human
life science, health, and nutrition information in a critical, scientific, and technologically advanced
- General Objectives (Course learning
Students will be able to:
- Describe what it means to be healthy.
- Explain the wellness continuum and its impact on Personal health.
- Identify the various structures of the human anatomical systems.
- Explain the effect of the electrical signals and chemical messengers to
human physiology and behavior.
- Explain the body functions and the relation of each system to one
- Identify and explain how various infectious diseases are prevented and
- Identify and describe causes and and prevention of non-communicable
- List the seven components of food, and identify common foods that
contain each component.
- Define the concept of total fitness and the essential characteristic and
consideration of a physical fitness program.
- Enumerate the causes and prevention of communicable diseases.
- Explain the importance of human behavior in the occurrence of
non-communicable disease.
- Discuss the effect of drugs to the human body, human behavior and its
consequence to family and society.
- Explain the sexual maturation of adolescents.
- Describe the process of conception as well as the influence of heredity
and environment to the developing human organism.
- Explain the importance of safety and accident prevention measures.
- Explain the importance and effect of family planning to the nuclear
family, community, government and world population.
- Explain why knowledge about drugs is important to health.
- Explain how the environment can affect health.
- Explain why conservation and preservation of the environment is
important to man.
- Specific objectives (Specific student learning
Students will be able to:
- Relate the importance of adaptation in relation to health and disease.
- Explain homeostasis and the role it plays in maintaining health.
- Explain the wellness continuum and its impact on personal health.
- Describe the personal qualities that are associated with the six
dimensions of wellness.
- Describe the functions of the autonomic nervous system
- Describe the how the mind and body communicate, chemically and
electrically, to enhance well physical and mental well-being.
- Describe the functions of the autonomic nervous system.
- Describe the relationship between hormones and certain body functions.
- Describe the organization of the body from cell to the whole organism.
- Describe how the body functions harmoniously as a unit.
- Discuss the generalized functions of the skin as an organ system.
- Describe the layers and functions of the skin and its appendages.
- Briefly describe or comment on some skin conditions.
- List and discuss the generalized functions of the skeletal system.
- Discuss bone growth, resorption and the response of hone to stress.
- Identify each of the major structure of a bone.
- Compare the classification of joints according to structure and range of
- Discuss the structure of the three types of articulation.
- Discuss and compare the four types of arthritis.
- Briefly describe the different kinds of muscles and its functions.
- List and describe major muscular disorders.
- Describe the measures of physical fitness and the components of muscular
strength by isotonic, isometric exercises, flexibility and cardiovascular
- Define posture and discuss its importance to the body as whole.
- Describe a few of muscular disorders.
- Name and describe the organs of the digestive system.
- Discuss the generalized functions of the digestive system.
- List, illustrate and describe, in sequence, the components of the
alimentary canal.
- Name and describe some disorders of the digestive tract.
- Define and compare mechanical and chemical digestion.
- Explain and compare fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
- Explain the role of minerals and vitamins in nutrition and give example
of each.
- Describe the purpose of the respiratory system.
- Name the structure of the respiratory system.
- List and define several kinds of respiratory infection.
- List the major organs of the urinary system and give the generalized
function of each.
- Describe the physical characteristic of normal urine.
- Discuss the consequence of untreated urinary disorder.
- Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.
- List the blood composition and function.
- Differentiate among the three main types of blood vessels with regard to
structure and functions.
- Describe the progression of the coronary heart disease.
- Discuss ways to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Explain the various kinds of diseases that affect the circulatory
- Compare and contrast traditional roles for male and female.
- Describe the male and female reproductive.
- Discuss reasons for and against becoming pregnant.
- Identify and briefly describe four important health habits during
- Describe fertilization process and the early development of the
fertilized egg.
- Discuss several methods of medical intervention in childbirth.
- Identify the reasons for infertility and options for infertile couple.
- Identify the advantages and disadvantages of at least ten fertility
control method.
- Explain why some some sexually active people do not use fertility
control method.
- Describe the impact of sexually transmitted infection (STI) on society.
- Identify the causative agent, symptoms and treatment of at least five
- Describe the characteristics of the major pathogens, bacteria, viruses,
fungi, protozoa, rickettsiae, and metazoa.
- Explain the elements and method of transmission that pose the chain of
- Identify, various defense mechanism -environmental, constitutional,
structural, cellular, structural, and chemical.
- Explain what is known about the occurrence, symptoms, treatment, and
prevention of many common diseases.
- Identify the types of cancerous tumors and the prevalence of cancer.
- Describe the factors that contribute to cancer.
- Describe cancer countermeasures of prevention, early detection and
diagnosis, and treatment.
- Explain the difference between a drug and medicine.
- Differentiate between drug use and drug abuse and the major risked
- Describe the different effects of the major classes of psychoactive
- Describe the hazards of cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco.
- Discuss the short term and long term health related and social
consequences of tobacco use.
- Discuss the prevalence of drinking, types of drinking, reasons for
drinking and attitudes toward among college student.
- Identify the principal environmental pollutants and their hazard to
- Discuss the impact of pollution of food production and health.
- Course content
- Introduction to Health
- Basic Anatomy and Physiology
- Integumentary System
- Digestive System
- Circulatory System
- Skeletal System
- Respiratory system
- Lymphatic System
- Articulation System
- Urinary System
- Reproductive System
- Muscular System
- Diseases
- Communicable Diseases
- cardio-vascular Diseases
- Cancer and other Non-communicable Diseases
- Personal Health Concerns
- Eating Behavior - The Good and the Bad of It
- Fitness - Better Appearance and Ability to Function Optimally
- Sex Education
- Human Sexuality
- Family Planning
- Conception
- Contraception
- Problems of Population Explosion
- Drugs
- Mood Modification and Psychoactive Drugs
- Using Tobacco
- Alcoholic Drinks
- Drug-Taking Behavior
- Preventing unintentional injuries and Accidents
- Health Problems of the Community
- Community Health Environmental Concern
- Textbook
Health and Wellness.
Edlin, Gordon, Golanty Erik, Brown, McCormack. Jones Bartlett Publishers,
Massachusetts, 2002.
- Reference materials
- Chiras, Daniel, Human Biology, Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
- Charles, Carroll., Miller Dean., HEALTH, The Science of Human
Adaptation: Wm. C. Brown., Dubuque, 1994
- Dewitt, William., Human Biology, Scott, Foresman and Company. 1989
- Hamann, Barbara., Diseases: Identification, Prevention, and Control
Mosby-Yearbook, Inc., 1994
- Benson, Harold., Gunstream, Stanley., Arthur, Talaro, Kathleen., Anatomy
and Physiology, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, 1999
- Chiras, Daniel, Human Body Systems. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 2003
- Required materials
- Basic human anatomy charts
- Charts on nutrition
- Audiovisual materials
- Models of body parts
- Institutional costs
- Textbooks
- Audiovisual materials
- Equipment
- Models
- Medical charts
- Health charts
- Methods of instruction
- Lecture
- Visual Aids
- Films
- Classroom Discussion
- Demonstrations
- Guest Speakers
- Evaluation
- Unit tests, mid-term and final exam. Points averaged and grades reported
using college catalog guidelines.
- Grading scale: as per College catalog.
- Attendance: as per College catalog.
- Academic honesty policy: dishonesty or cheating on any
test or examination will result in a grade of "F" for the