MGT 320
Organizational Behavior (3)
BU 260
Covers the
human relations movement; basic concepts in behavior pertaining to
organizations including personality, motivation, leadership, communication, change,
conflict, and group dynamics. Course includes the relationship of these
concepts to performance, job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
MGT 350 International Business (3)
BU 260
the theoretical foundations of international trade and investment; the role of
government in international business; cultural, political and legal issues; the
international economic and financial environment; and issues in management,
marketing, finance, and human resource management, with a brief overview of
international accounting and taxation.
MGT 360 Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management (3)
BU250, BU 260 & BU270 OR permission of Business Division Enables students to develop an
understanding of entrepreneurship and small business management by studying
entrepreneurial strategies, how to identify and pursue new venture
opportunities, and how to develop business plans. Students also study the FSM
environment and how it directly or indirectly influences entrepreneurship and
the establishment and growth of small businesses.