A.         Authority & Approval


Operates through the authority of and reports to the President, COM-FSM and through the President to the Board of Regents. The President will confirm member's appointments each fall. All action items will be submitted to the President for approval. Action items from the library subcommittee will be submitted through the chair of the curriculum committee to the President for approval.



B.         Purpose


To advise the President on matters pertaining to programs, curricula, and academic policies and procedures which include, but are not limited to the following:


1.        New and revised course outlines;

2.        New and revised certificate programs;

3.        New and revised degree programs;

4.        New and revised non-credit offerings;

5.        Recommended curriculum guides;

6.        Curriculum assessment;

7.        Instructor qualifications;

8.        Part-time instructor applications;

9.        New and revised academic procedures and policies;

10.     Articulation agreements;

11.     Matters referred to the Committee by the President; and

12.     Other curricular matters.



C.         Membership


The Curriculum Committee is composed of representatives from the administration, academic divisions, learning resources centers, faculty, state campuses, and the student body association. Membership will consist of:

- Vice President for Instruction Affairs (Chairperson)
Vice President for Student Support Services
Director of Academic Programs (Vice-Chairperson)
Director of Vocational, Community, and Continuing Education
Director of Learning Resources Center
Coordinator of Admissions and Records
- Director of Research and Planning
State Campus Instructional Coordinators
Academic Division Chairpersons at the National Campus
Two faculty representatives appointed by the faculty staff senate. These representatives will be appointed for staggered two year terms and the
    terms may be renewed.
The President of the Student Body Association or their designee.


Members located off island may elect to identify a PROXY member to represent them at the face-to-face meetings.


D.         Chair and Vice Chair


The Vice President of Instructional Affairs shall be the Chairperson of the Curriculum Committee. The Vice Chair of the committee shall be the Director of Academic Programs. The Vice Chair should continue to hold meetings during absences of the chair. Minutes will be taken by the Vice Chair. It is the responsibility of the Chair to prepare and distribute the agenda, conduct meetings and forward recommendations to the President.


E.         Meetings (face to face and electronic)


Meetings will be held twice a month during the academic year when possible, but not less than eight times in a year.  For face-to-face meetings, five members will constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussion.  The committee will use majority vote of all members as its voting method. Electronic meetings and email voting may be held as necessary, with a simple majority necessary to carry a motion.


F.         Responsibilities


To seek information, review, and advise the President on matters pertaining to programs, curricula, and academic policies and procedures for COM-FSM.  It serves as the review committee to which all course and program changes are submitted.


G.        Communication & Distribution of Information


All meetings will have minutes and the committee chair will distribute minutes, after approval, as soon as possible following the meeting. Minutes must be distributed to all campuses, appropriate committees, offices and posted on the VPIA website. No information regarding committee activities or directives will be distributed until approved. Committee chairs will retain copies of all committee minutes and documentation of all activities.