
Terms of reference

Handbooks and references

Curriculum handbook 2007covertable of contentspreface
Curriculum handbook 2006
Curriculum handbook 2005covertable of contents
Curriculum handbook 2004coverpreface
Curriculum handbook 2002 (deprecated)

Curriculum committee document flow chartodg

Blank Forms

Program modification request
Non-credit course outline cover page
Course modification requesthtml odt
Appendix C
Course outlines and syllabi notice

Minutes and Topics


Fall 2007

October 10, 2007

Curriculum Committee Agenda 10-10-07


Old Business
Appendix E for Course Modification
Appendix E for Course Modification - Algebra & Trigonometry
Appendix E for Course Modification - Anatomy & Physiology I
Appendix E for Course Modification - Aquaculture
Appendix E for Course Modificaiton - Marine Biology
Appendix E for Course Modification - Marine Ecology
Appendix E for Course Modification - Microbiology
EN 120b Expos II
ESL 087 Listening and Speaking
FL 104 Elementary Chinese II
MS 150 Statistics
ASL Outline

New Business
MS 101 College Algebra
ECE 100 Intro. to Childhood Education (revised)
Admissions Criteria - Third Year Programs (revised)
ECE 100~ Course Modification Request

September 26, 2007
Curriculum Committee

September 12, 2007

Old Business
MS 150 Statistics

New Business
FL 104 Elementary Chinese II
EN 120b Expos II
ESL 087 Listening and Speaking

Spring 2007

20 February 2007



Status report only

Second reading/old business/Up for vote

First reading/new business

Pending/undisposed of items


Student Learning Outcomes verbs.xls.ods
Proposed cover page for outlines (.doc).ods
Definitions of types of courses at another college
Practicum and internship hours/credits

06 February 2007 (tentative, presumed)



Status report only

Second reading/old business/Up for vote

First reading/new business

Pending/undisposed of items


23 January 2007 (tentative, presumed)

Curriculum Committee Agenda

Minutes for review
November 21, 2006
December 5, 2006

Status report only

Second reading/ongoing/old business
Revised third year education program

First reading/new business
Law 236:Appellate and Civil Procedure/Jurisdiction
American Sign Language (TIFF, 820 Kb)
President’s retreat - for discussion and suggestions
Revised Cover page for course outlines/approval procedure:
Approval of new course outline 11/13/2006
Appendix BAppendix C

Pending items
Terms of reference for committee
ML language courses
Bookkeeping program modification
BK 095 Bookkeeping I
BK 096 Bookkeeping II
BK 097 Computerized Bookkeeping
BU 095 Filing and Office Procedures
Survey of Business



Fall 2006

Checklist for preparations for instructional affairs
Preliminary unofficial draft report on IEI

05 December 2006

Curriculum Committee Agenda
VEE 225 Business Machine Servicing
MS 103 Geometry
Chinese I
Proposed Policies and Procedures for Non-credit Courses
IEI report


Status report only

First reading/new business
Report on IEI for all campuses
Report on IEI all campuses for the years 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004
VTE 281 Cellular phone servicing
Chinese I • Superceded by FL 103

Second reading/ongoing/old business
MS 103
Chinese I
Proposed policies and procedures for non-credit courses
VEE 225 Business Machine Servicing

Pending non-agenda non-disposed non-calendared items
Terms of reference for committee
ML language courses
Bookkeeping program modification
BK 095 Bookkeeping I
BK 096 Bookkeeping II
BK 097 Computerized Bookkeeping
BU 095 Filing and Office Procedures
Survey of Business

Results of meeting

21 November 2006



Status report only

First reading/new business
MS 103
Proposed policies and procedures for non-credit courses
ECE program modificationmod request form
Chinese I

Second reading/Ongoing business
Terms of reference for committee
ML language courses Land Resource Management and Food Systems program (rev. 2)
Bookkeeping program modification
BK 095 Bookkeeping I
BK 096 Bookkeeping II
BK 097 Computerized Bookkeeping
BU 095 Filing and Office Procedures
Survey of Business
Agriculture and marine completion rates
Info on agriculture alumni
Goal and task chart for Natural Resources
Proposed non-credit policies (2)
AS_LRFS1 Land resources and food program 1
AS_LRFSrev2 Land resources and food program

07 November 2006



Status report only

First reading
MS 103
Non-credit course and instructor policies

Second reading/Ongoing business
Land Resource Management and Food Systems program (rev. 2)
Bookkeeping program modification
BK 095 Bookkeeping I
BK 096 Bookkeeping II
BK 097 Computerized Bookkeeping
BU 095 Filing and Office Procedures
Survey of Business
MOU with UOG
Terms of reference
ML language courses

31 October 2006


Minutes from 10 October (pre-approval)

Up for voting
EN 2nn Fantasy and Science Fiction
VEE 224 course modification

Other material
CC Draft Governance Policy

10 October 2006



Status report only
AR 105
AR 111
MR 120
Outline flow chart

First reading
VEE 224
VEE 224 course mod
VEE 224 supplies and materials.

Second reading
BK 105 BK 096 BK 097 BU 095 BU 099
EN201 Intro. to Lit.

Other material
Matter of faculty representative

26 September 2006



Status report only

First reading

Second reading
ML reading and writing outlines

Third reading
ML reading and writing outlines

Up for voting

Other material

12 September 2006

Curriculum minutes 15 August
Curriculum minutes 22 August
Monthly report for August
Internship hours report
Appendix C revisions


Status report only

First reading

Second reading

Up for voting
VEE 223
VEE 223 course mod
VEM 240

Other material

August 2006



Status report only

First reading

Second reading

Up for voting

Other material

Summer 2006 documents

Minutes 07 July
Minutes 23 June
Agenda 16 June

Computer graphics program assessment matrix
Computer graphics certificate program
Introduction to computer graphics
Justification for computer graphics program
Computer graphics new program application

Spring 2006

Spring meeting dates
Spring course schedule
Course selection MWF
Course selection TuTh

16 May 2006



Status report only

First reading
SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany

Second reading
SC 117 Tropical Pacific Island Environments with lab

Up for voting
ESS 102s Softball
MS 096 Elementary Algebra

Other material
Adjunct faculty recertification policy

25 April 2006


Approval of Minutes

Old Business
Finalize wording of modification on ESL 088
Re-certification of Part-time instructors
Nursing Program

New Business
ESS 102s Softball
MS 096 Elementary Algebra
AG 094 (?)

Status report only

First reading
ESS 102s Softball
MS 096 Elementary Algebra
SC 117 Tropical Pacific Island Environments with lab

Second reading

Up for voting

Other material
Adjunct faculty recertification policy

21 March minutes

07 March 2006


Status report only

First reading

Second reading

Up for voting
ML 100 Intro to Pohnpeian Language
ED/RS 306Course mod
ED/RS 311Course mod
ED/RS 313Course mod

Other material

21 February 2006


Status report only
Endorsed, modified goal one status in other committees

First reading
ED. : Pohnpeian Modules

Second reading
ED/RS 306
ED/RS 311
ED/RS 313

Up for voting
BU 097
Community Health program outlines
Cover letter
Introduction to curriculum revisions
CHS 220a CHS 224a CHS 231a CHS 232a CHS 233a CHS 234a CHS 235a CHS 240a CHS 241a CHS 242a CHS 244a CHS 251a
Tabella I Tabella II
EN 208 Philosophy outline
ESS 200 Fundamentals of Wellness and Physical Fitness
VAE 103 Blueprint Sketching and Interpretation
VCE 195 Construction Procedures
VCT 153 Introduction to Carpentry
VCT 163 Concrete form constructioncover page
VCT 173 Rough Framing and Exterior Finishingcover page
VCT 183 Finishing and trim workcover page

Other material
Proposed amendment to attendance policy
A second alternative draft of the attendance policy
Graduation requirements proposal

07 February 2006 material

First reading
BU 097
Community Health program outlines
Cover letter
Introduction to curriculum revisions
CHS 220a CHS 224a CHS 231a CHS 232a CHS 233a CHS 234a CHS 235a CHS 240a CHS 241a CHS 242a CHS 244a CHS 251a
Tabella I Tabella II
EN 208 Philosophy outline
ESS 200 Fundamentals of Wellness and Physical Fitness
VAE 103 Blueprint Sketching and Interpretation
VCE 195 Construction Procedures
VCT 153 Introduction to Carpentry
VCT 163 Concrete form constructioncover page
VCT 173 Rough Framing and Exterior Finishingcover page
VCT 183 Finishing and trim workcover page

Up for voting

Other material
Office of instructional affairs chart
Graduation requirements proposal
Proposed attendance policy change
Possible change in goal 1 from assessment workshop

24 January material

Course modification update

Up for voting

EN 209 Introduction to Religion

Fall 2005

Fall meeting dates

01 November minutes
25 October minutes (draft)
06 October agenda
06 September minutes

Summer 2005
Spring 2005

Spring meeting dates

19 May meeting topics
19 April minutes
08 March meeting results
08 March minutescopy presented 19 May
22 February minutescopy presented 19 May
22 February topics
08 February meeting results
08 February Palau MOU results
24 January topics
05 January minutes

Fall 2004

22 November topics
10 November topics
20 October