Cooperative Research and Extension (CRE) :
The College of Micronesia-FSM (COM-FSM) was designated a Land Grant college in 1981 through Section 506 (a) of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92 - 318, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 301 note). As such, when the three colleges of the COM system became autonomous institutions under separate governing boards in 1993, administration of the Land Grant programs remained under COM. Land Grant programs are currently extended to COM-FSM through a Memorandum of Understanding with COM and administered as the Cooperative Research and Extension (CRE) Program under the Vice President-CRE.
Cooperative Extension Services (CES):
Component of the CRE programs focuses on developing and assisting a well-informed populace to ensure wise and judicious management of the limited human and natural resources needed to support a viable FSM economy. The challenge is to ensure a constantly improving quality of life, while maintaining a strong cultural identity and healthy environment. These challenges are addressed through community level outreach programs in agriculture improvement, youth development, community resource development and nutrition education. The CES programs are based at the State Campuses.
Agricultural Experiment Station (AES):
Program provides funding to conduct research or verify experiments that bear directly upon the agricultural and fisheries industries. AES research facilities are located at each of the state campuses.
Resident Instruction (RI):
Program includes the College’s associate degree programs in general Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Certificate in Agriculture Programs at Kosrae and Pohnpei State Campuses. CRE support for the RI program is through special project funding under the US Department of Agriculture.