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Yap Campus Celebrates Completion of Two New Buildings

(Colonia, Yap) - College of Micronesia-FSM Yap Campus held a grand opening ceremony on October 24, 2013, to celebrate the completion of two new buildings; one classroom building and a student services building.   Morning classes at both FSM-FMI and Yap Campus were dismissed to allow all staff and students to attend the ceremony. 

The honored guests at the event included; Hilary Tacheliol representing the Council of Tamol, John Songog and Steven Chonmon on behalf of Rull Municipality, Yap State Governor Sebastian Anefal, Lt. Governer Tony Tareg and staff of the Executive Branch, Senator Charles Chieng and Senator Jerry Fagolimul from Yap State Legislature, Yap State Chief Justice Cyprian Manmaw, Yap High School Principal Domingo Techur, PMU Director Robert Westerfield, George Raweyngog -  CEO of Waab Transportation Co., and Father Moses Tashibelit.

President and CEO Joseph M. Daisy, Ed.D. , Vice President for Instructional Affairs Mariana Ben Dereas, and Board of Regent Secretary/Treasurer Mary B. Figir were also recognized in attendance.

Regent Figir gave the welcoming remarks followed by special remarks from Governor Anefal and Senator Charles Chieng, who spoke on behalf of the speaker for the state legislature.  All congratulated the college for completion of the buildings and encouraged students to take advantage of the new facilities in pursuit of their education.

Following the remarks, Project Management Unit (PMU) Director Westerfield signified the official transfer of ownership to the college by presenting a symbolic key to Yap campus Dean Lourdes Roboman. 

In his address, the college President highlighted the challenges and accreditation issues facing the college when he came on board back in 2011, and the institution’s recent accreditation re-affirmation as the result of hard work and collaborative efforts of the college community and key stakeholders.  To illustrate the importance for all to value their part in contributing to the greater good of the college, Dr. Daisy tells the anecdote of two brick masons, one of whom describes himself as a “layer of bricks” and another who refers to himself as a “builder of cathedrals”.  To recognize and appreciate our individual contributions to our collective purpose, the president encouraged the community to be “Builders of Cathedrals”.  He also challenged students to “Dream More, Learn More, Do More and Be More”.

Regent Figir and Mrs. Alice Tareg next performed the ribbon cutting ceremony followed by the blessing by Father Tashibelit and then a tour of the buildings. 

A traditional Yapese dance was performed at the end of the ceremony as well as a traditional sitting dance performed by young women from Rumung .

For more photos of the event visit the college's Official Facebook Page.