P. O. Box 159
Kolonia, Pohnpei 96941
Federated States of Micronesia
Phone: (691) 320-2480 Fax: (691) 320-2479 E-Mail:

College Celebrates 20th Founding Day

Kolonia, Pohnpei (April 2, 2013) – The College of Micronesia-FSM celebrated the 20th anniversary of its founding on April 1 , 2013 at the Pohnpei State Track and Field facilities.  This year’s theme was “20 Years of Unity Through Culture” of which floats and cultural performances were prepared by the six college students organizations representing each of the diverse cultures in the Micronesian Federation along with the two campuses on Pohnpei. 

The event kicked off with a parade of floats by the eight participating groups which included; Chuuk (ChuChok), Kosrae Students Organization (KSO) , Nukurro and Kapingamwarangi (Nukap),  Pingelap and Mwokil (Pingmwok), Pohnpei Campus,  Pohnpei National campus, Sapwuafik, and Yap Students Organization (YSO). The parade marched from the Spanish Wall in Kolonia up to the Pohnpei State Track and Field where the groups were greeted by faculty, staff, students and the community of Pohnpei.
COM-FSM President Joseph M. Daisy, Ed.D.  provided the welcoming remarks and thanked all the individuals who made the activity possible. According to President Daisy there is a lot of which the college should be proud of, the successful visit of the ACCJC visiting team being one of them, and that the impact the college makes not only on to the students it serves but to their families, to their communities, and to the country. President Daisy also emphasized that “Together we have faced challenges, we confronted them and we are creating our future, one that will endure and thrive.

 A special address was given by Pohnpei State Governor John Ehsa who talked about the importance of culture. He added that according to the FSM Constitution “The waters of the FSM do not divide us but binds us”. He also mentioned that “You can take away a man on an island, but you cannot take away the island out of him”.

Also in in attendance were invited guests that included US Ambassador to the FSM Her Excellency Doria Rosen, His Excellency Lianyun Zhang Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the FSM, COM-FSM Board of Regent and former Lieutenant Governor of Pohnpei Churchill Edward, and COM-FSM Board of Regents  Chair Kasio Mida who gave the closing remarks for the activity.

The performances were critiqued by seven judges that were selected by the competing groups. President Daisy awarded the winners of the floats and the cultural dance performances late in the afternoon. PingMwok took first place for the best float, followed by ChuChok and YSO tied for second place, and Nukap coming third. In the category of Cultural Performance YSO came in first, with Pohnpei National being awarded second place, while Pohnpei campus and PingMwok were tied on the third place.

At the end of the program the awards for the 2013 COM-FSM Founding Day Games were also given to the winners, which are listed below: 


Women’s  -     

Champion - Kosrae

 2nd Place - MoChuuK

 3rd Place – YSO


Champion - Pohnpei National-A

 2nd Place - Pohnpei National-B

 3rd Place - Pohnpei Campus



Champion - NuKap

2nd Place - Pohnpei National

3rd Place - MoChuuK

Men’s -             

Champion -  Pohnpei Campus - A

2nd Place - YSO-A

3rd Place - ESS


Women’s –             

Champion – Pohnpei Campus

2nd Place – NuKap

3rd Place – PingMoK

Men’s -                     

Champion – Pohnpei National

2nd Place – Kosrae

3rd Place – Pohnpei Campus


Champion – Pohnpei National

2nd Place – ESS

3rd Place – MoChuuK

 Table Tennis         

Champion – Pohnpei Campus

2nd Place –  Pohnpei National

3rd Place – MoChuuK


For More Photos of the event visit College's OFFICIAL Facebook Page