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Kolonia, Pohnpei 96941
Federated States of Micronesia
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Students Join Research with Dr. Kessler of the University of Missouri

COM-FSM Marine Science Instructor Brian Lynch and Marine Science students Travis Herman and Arnold Hauk have been collaborating on a research project with Dr. Dylan Kessler of the University of Missouri, and two NGO’s (Island Conservation and Conservation Society of Pohnpei) on a week long study of Ant Atoll’s biodiversity. In addition, COM-FSM maintenance staff Lihno Panuelo has been serving as the teams boat driver, ferrying research members to the various islands for both day and night surveys. Specifically, the team has been conducting surveys of most of the islands looking at vegetation, bird populations, the native land crabs, and how these populations are affected by introduced pests such as pigs, rats, and cats. Students have been conducting both day and night transects counting rats, land crabs, and measuring vegetation on the islands. Ant Atoll is a natural laboratory setting for this kind of investigation as the islands vary tremendously in terms of the distribution of exotic pests. The group hopes to publish results of this intensive study by early next year.

Morning at Pasa, Ant Atoll
Dylan Kessler, project leader using GPS to locate rat traps set on Pasa Island. Dr. Kessler inspects the reproductive condition of a captured rat. Students Arnold Hauk and Travis Herman taking a break.

Photo descriptions from top to bottom, left to right: 1. Morning at Pasa, Ant Atoll. 2. Dylan Kessler, project leader using GPS to locate rat traps set on Pasa Island. 3. Dr. Kessler inspects the reproductive condition of a captured rat. 4. Students Arnold Hauk and Travis Herman taking a break.