- Allyn
& Bacon's Compsite for English Composition
Compsite offers the following sections: Whats' New, Research,
Conversation, Issue Sites, Instructor Resources, and Featured Texts. The
creators of the site claim that "these pages are meant to be both
resources and places to interact." The information provided is somewhat
elementary, but may be helpful for students or instructors who are shopping
for a new textbook.
- College
Composition and Communication (CCC) Online
This quarterly journal is published in February, May, October, and
December for the Conference on College Composition and Communication by the
National Council of Teachers of English. The online version offers access to
and information about Current Issue(s), Archives, Subscriptions,
Submissions, Indexes to CCC, Editorials, Letters, News, Staff/Editorial
Board, Position Statements, and Related Links. For those wishing
to keep up with new developments and standards in the field of Composition,
this site can be a great help.
- Computers
and Composition: An International Journal for Teachers of Writing
This site has a unique design and offers access to current as
well as past issues of the journal. An online forum is also offered. In
general, the journal is a good place to research if you use computers in the
writing classroom or if you want ideas about the role of computers for
Composition instruction.
- Conference
on College Composition and Communication Online
This site is dedicated to the annual conference held by three
C's--past and present. You might search the records of what went on at
conferences from previous years or make your plans for this year's
gathering. There are individual sites for each year's conference. Each site
offers info. on components of the conference such as the Program,
Calendar, Sessions, Keynote, Featured Speakers, Discussion, Forums,
Workshops, and Special Events.
- The
Electronic Journal for Computer Writing, Rhetoric and Literature (CWRL)
CWRL is published by the Computer Writing Research Lab, a
facility of the Division of Rhetoric and Composition, at the University of
Texas at Austin. The journal publishes articles that address computer-aided
pedagogy in the fields of Rhetoric, Composition and Literature and is
available solely on the World Wide Web.
- A
Guide to Rhetoric and Composition Resources on the WWW
This guide offers a list of links divided under separate headings,
which include: Teaching with Electronic Technology and k-12 Education
Resources, Computers and the Teaching of Writing, Rhetorical/Composition
Theory and Aids on the World Wide Web, Universities With Rhetoric Programs
Online, and Online Writing Centers. While the list is not
annotated, its coverage is rather extensive.
- JAC:
A Journal of Composition Theory Online
JAC is a journal of composition theory and advanced writing. It
provides a forum for scholars of rhetoric and composition theory, especially
those interested in the general field of advanced composition, including
advanced expository, business and technical writing, and writing across the
curriculum. JAC online provides open access to archived issues as well as
general information about the journal.
Style Guide
The Writing Lab at Ohio State University-Newark offers this page,
which includes examples of documentation for a great variety of sources from
books to Internet to recordings. Information on in-text citations, endnotes,
and footnotes is also available. On some examples the print is rather small
but still legible. The site can be used as a quick reference tool for people
writing on computers. You could even keep the page open and accessible while
- The
MU Online Writery
Here's how the folks at the writery describe themselves, "The
Online Writery is an ever-evolving community of writers who offer a relaxing
and open environment in which to discuss writing in any form. We offer
suggestions and assistance with writing as well as forums for writers to
meet one another and discuss ideas. The Writery is physically located at the
University of Missouri-Columbia. MU students have priority of response, but
we offer our services on a global scale." This may be a place to direct
students who are interested in more feedback for their writing.
- National
Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
"The National Council of Teachers of English, the world's
largest subject-matter educational association, is devoted to improving the
teaching of English and the language arts at all levels of education."
NCTE offers the following links on their homepage: Teaching Ideas,
Positions, Publications, Professional Development, Community Resources,
Grants and Awards, Conversations, Jobs, News, Research, Lists, Affiliates. This
is probably the most comprehensive site available for Composition
practitioners, theorists, etc.