Institutional Research and Planning Office (IRPO)
The IRPO supports and assists with creating a culture of evidence driven decision making at the college by:
2013 First Quarter Reports
- Administrative Services
- Cooperative Research Extension
- Institutional Effectiveness and Quality Assurance
- Instructional Services
- Student Services
Enrollment Data
Visioning Summit
- Chuuk Mini-Summit Report
- Kosrae Mini-Summit Report
- Yap Mini-Summit Report
- Visioning Summit 2012 REPORT
- Assessment of the 2006-2011 COM-FSM Plan (May 2012)[COM-FSM version]
- COM-FSM Education Master Plan 2013-2017
- Improving Communications a COM-FSM SUMMARY
- Mission values goals objectives Plus WASC Standards & Recommendations
- Purposeful Dialogue at COM-FSM
- Strategic Plan 2006-2011-BOR
- White Paper
COM-FSM 2nd Quarter Report
- President's Office
- Administrative Services
- Student Services
- Cooperative Research and Extension
- Instructional Affairs
Spring 2012: Initial Enrollment Data
COM-FSM 1st Quarter Report
- President's Office
- Administrative Services
- Student Services
- Cooperative Research and Extension
- Instructional Affairs
2011 Fall Ernollment & Achievement
Communications Plan Evaluation 2012-02
Communication Plan Evaluation APPENDIX
Survey Results
- Developing, organizing and directing the institutional strategic planning and
monitoring process
- Coordinating development of annual performance based budget and institutional priorities
- Overseeing development and implementation of the Institutional Assessment Plan and determination of institutional effectiveness
- Overseeing development and coordination of information and data collection
- Providing data, information and analysis to internal and external agencies
- Providing support to the Accreditation Liaison Officer including the collection and reporting of all documentation for accreditation requirements for the institution
- Coordinating linkage of planning, evaluation and resource allocation for the college
- Creating reports that support the college's mission and goals including IPEDS, quarterly reports, annual reports, etc.
- Working with the VPA and other personnel to review achievement and discuss required changes in goals and objectives
- Overseeing and facilitating the grant process and supervising the performance reporting of sponsored programs
- Providing technical assistance for grant requests and proposals
- Organizing the research capacity of the college
- Assisting as a resource, technical assistance and training agency to departments and divisions for assessment and planning activities
- Modeling values of the college by being student and learning centered in office decisions and operations; exhibiting professional behavior; being innovative, honest, and ethical; being committed and hard working; exhibiting teamwork; being accountable for the work as individuals and as an office; and working for continuous improvement of IRPO's services
Objective 1: IRPO will improve implementation and monitoring of the strategic plan by developing formative and summative evaluation plans and conducting data collection in FY 2008 for development of a formative evaluation report for FY 2008 and a summative report in FY 2009.
Objective 2: IRPO will oversee completion and initial implementation of the Institutional Assessment Plan (IAP) in FY 2008 including finalization of the plan, development and training on the IAP Handbook and initial evaluations of Administrative and Student Services Offices and Upward Bound Programs.
Objective 3: IRPO will improve its collection, analysis and dissemination of data and information through:
- Establishment of data collection processes and procedures
- Improved reporting (including quarterly and annual reports) on the strategic plan (and sub plan) indicators and dissemination of reports to internal and external stakeholders; and
- Tracking and reporting of accomplishments/activities related to President's Retreat Problem Statements and Institutional Priorities.
- Ensuring that data collection processes and procedures are adequate to support the accreditation self study due in 2010.
Objective 4: IRPO will improve research, analysis and information dissemination on funding opportunities for the college, recruitment and retention of students, and improvement of communications with internal and external stakeholders.