Institutional Research and Planning Office

Fall Collection: The Fall collection includes the Institutional Characteristics, Completions, and 12-month Enrollment components. The Fall collection opens September and closes October.
Winter Collection: The Winter collection includes the Human Resources component. In addition, institutions have the opportunity to provide Fall Enrollment data and Finance data at this time. The Winter collection opens December and closes January of the next year.
Spring Collection: The Spring collection includes Graduation Rates and Student Financial Aid, as well as Fall Enrollment and Finance (for those institutions that did not lock in Winter). The Spring collection period extends from March through April.

IPEDS Home | National Center for Education Statistics [NCES]

IPEDS Data Feedback Report 2007
IPEDS Data Feedback Report 2008

(the section below is still under development)

Fall 2007 Collection
Completion Survey(2007) | Institutional Characteristics Survey(2007) | 12-month Enrollment Survey(2007)
Winter 2007-08 Collection
Fall Staff Survey(2007) | Employees by Assigned Position Survey(2007)
Spring 2008 Collection
Fall Enrollment Survey(2007) | Graduation Rate Survey(2007) | Finance Survey(2007) | Student Financial Aid Survey(2007)

Fall 2006 Collection
Completion Survey(2006) | Institutional Characteristics Survey(2006)
Winter 2006-07 Collection
Fall Staff Survey(2006) | Employees by Assigned Position Survey(2006)
Spring 2007 Collection
Fall Enrollment Survey(2006) | Graduation Rate Survey(2006) | Finance Survey(2006) | Student Financial Aid Survey(2006)

Fall 2005 Collection
Completion Survey(2005) | Institutional Characteristics Survey(2005)
Winter 2005-06 Collection
Fall Staff Survey(2005) | Employees by Assigned Position Survey(2005)
Spring 2006 Collection
Fall Enrollment Survey(2005) | Graduation Rate Survey(2005) | Finance Survey(2005) | Student Financial Aid Survey(2005)

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