Secretarial Science Certificate

  • PSLO
  • Data Sheet
  • Program Review
  • Assessment Report

Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2015-2016)

Program Student Learning Outcomes(PSLOS)

At the completion of Secretarial Science Certificate the student will be able to:

  1. Apply proper bookkeeping techniques in an office.
  2. Demonstrate general computer competence and information technology literacy.
  3. Demonstrate proper office procedures and management techniques.
  4. Communicate effectively in English for business purposes.
  5. Perform business computations and apply logic as needed.
  6. File documents properly and use common office machines.

PSLO Assessment Report Summary

What we looked at:

  1. The Secretarial Science certificate assessment focused on PSLOs #5 – “Perform business computations and apply logic as needed.” and related courses for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 with recommendation to merge with the Book Keeping program. Listed below are the results for PSLO #5.


Related Courses PLO4:
Communicate effectively in English
BK 095 – Bookkeeping I (3) CSLO 2,3 I
BK 096 – Bookkeeping II (3) CSLO 2 I
BU 098 - Basic Business Math (3) CSLO 1,2,3,4 D
BU100 - Practicum (3) CSLO 1,3 D
CA101s – Computer Applications for Secretaries CSLO 1 ) I,D

What we found:

PSLO #5: Assessment based BK 095, BK 096, BU 098, and BU100.

  • BK 095 = Assessment was based on book keeping practices. 124/175 or 71% successfully met this PSLO.
  • BK 096 = Assessment was based on book keeping practices. 51/77 or 66% successfully met this PSLO. Improvement plan: Mandatory tutorial.
  • BU 098 = Assessment was based on students’ demonstration of business math skills in fractions, percentages, statistics and equations for applications in banking, payroll, merchandising, and others. 124/155 or 80% successfully met this PSLO.
  • BU 100 (substitute for BU099b) = Assessment was based on pre-practicum exercises (job applications, interest letters, and interviews) and practicum evaluation by work-site supervisors. 38/44 students or 86% successfully met this PSLO.
  • CA101s = Assessment based on computer exercises in Excel utilizing formulas and functions. 19/20 students or 96% successfully met this PSLO.
  • Average = 356/471 students or 76% successfully met this PSLO with a “C” or better.

What we are planning to work on:


  1. Work on proposed removal of Secretarial Science Program. Chair, supervisor, and faculty to review and submit recommendations or justifications. STATUS – Pending Program Modification Request
  2. Delete PSLO6 - File documents properly and use common office machines.
    • Justification for deletion of PSLO6: “File documents properly” can be covered under PSLO3 - demonstrate proper office procedure and “use common office machines” can be covered under PSLO2 - information technology literacy
  3. BU099b/100 – discard BU099b and adopt BU100 new course outline and put into effect immediately and reflected in CLAs/TracDat. STATUS – pending Program Modification Request
  4. BK 096 Devise and implement improvement plans in 2016-2017. STATUS –Improvement plans submitted and awaiting implementation and pending Program Modification Request.

Recommendations for students:

  • Students meet with advisors on a regular basis and attend mandatory tutorials as stipulated by faculty.


Program Review (Pohnpei Campus)

AP Full Official:Certificate of Achievement in Secretarial Science

Campus: Pohnpei Campus

Completed by: Phyllis Silbanuz

AP Review Submission Date:April 22, 2014

AR Review Cycle: Fall 2012-Fall 2013


  1. Program Mission

    The mission of the Certificate of Achievement Program in Secretarial Science is to prepare students for entry level office jobs and to upgrade general skills in secretarial work, decision making and problem solving for office secretaries who are already in the workforce.

  2. Program Goals

    Program Goals:

    1. Develop basic knowledge and skills essential for employment and career advancement as an administrative assistant and in related fields;
    2. Develop fundamental knowledge and skills essential for the pursuit of degree level course work in secretarial science or related field.
    3. Develop intellectual and critical thinking skills to become effective learners and well informed citizens.

    Program Learning Outcomes:

    1. Apply proper bookkeeping techniques in an office.
    2. Demonstrate general computer competence and information technology literacy.
    3. Demonstrate proper office procedures and management techniques.
    4. Communicate effectively in English for business purposes.
    5. Perform business computations and apply logic as needed.
    6. File documents properly and use common office machines.

  3. Program History

    The certificate of achievement program in secretarial science was added to the COM-FSM offerings in December 2001. In August 2006, the USDOL office branch in Hawaii determined that the program was comparable to its office manager program hence approved it as an apprenticeship program. During the same year, the College hired a full time instructor to teach business and related courses in the secretarial science program at Pohnpei Campus.

    Since the program’s inception enrollment had been very low and continued to decline until the Fall 2007 semester. Data showed enrollment of zero after Fall 2001 until Fall 2006. In Fall 2007 interest in the program started to happen but the enrollment was still minimal.

    Enrollment continued to gradually increase to 62 in 2011, decreased to 59 in 2012, and increased again to 79 in 2013.

  4. Program Description

    The certificate program in secretarial science is designed to prepare students for the entry-level office jobs most frequently and most widely available today, as well as for those who are already working and wish to upgrade their skills in making decision and solving office problems.

    The Certificate of Achievement in Secretarial Science shares some courses with the COA in the Bookkeeping program.

  5. Program Admission Requirements

    High school graduates or those who pass GED are eligible for admission into the program.

    All candidates must take the COMET.

  6. Program Certificate/Degree Requirements

    Program Requirements

            Major Requirements:....................34 credits

    BK 095 Bookkeeping I (3); BK 096 Bookkeeping II (3), BU 095 Filing; Office Procedures (3); BU098 Business Math (3); BU 099b Practicum (3); CA100s Computer Literacy for Secretaries (4); CA101s Computer Applications for Secretaries (4); ESL/BU 095 ESL for Business I (4); ESL/BU 096 ESL for Business II (4); SS 100 World of Work (3)

    Suggested schedule:
    First Semester

    ESL/BU 095 ESL for Business I (4)
    BK 095 Bookkeeping I (3)
    BU 098 Basic Business Math (3)
    CA100s Computer Literacy for Sec (4)
    SS 100 World of Work (3)

    Second Semester
    ESL/BU 096 ESL for Business II (4)
    BK 096 Bookkeeping II (3)
    BU 095 Filing, Office Procedures (3)
    CA101s Computer Applications for Sec (4)

    Summer Session
    BU 099b Practicum (3)

  7. Program Courses and Enrollment

    BU 099b Practicum
    Course 2012.3 2013.1 2013.3
    BK 095 30/P1, 16/P2 27/P1, 28/P2 25/P1, 21/P2
    BK 096   22/P1  
    BU 095 28/P1   27/P1, 26/P2,25/P3
    BU 098 25/P1, 26/P2 27/P1, 24/P2 25/P1, 25/P2
    BU 099b 10/P1    
    CA 100s 26/P1   22/P1
    CA 101s   20/P1  
    ESL/BU 095 25/P1 25/P1, 25/P2 25/P1,24/P2, 14/P3
    ESL/BU 096 24/P1 20/P1 16/P1
    SS 100 30/P1, 28/P2 28/P1, 27/P2,27/P3 25/P1,27/P2,17/P3

  8. Program Faculty

    Debra W. Perman, Chair
    BK 095/096, BU 100
    Associate Professor MBA Walden University
    Cindy Pastor,
    ESL/BU 095
    Instructor MA University of New Orleans
    Jean Ranahan
    ESL/BU 095/096
    Instructor M.Ed. University of Maine
    Joyce Roby
    BU 095, BU100
    Instructor BA (in progress) Michigan State University
    Anna Olivia Dela Cruz
    Instructor BS St. Paul University
    Phyllis Silbanuz
    BU095, CA095
    Professor MSCIS University of Phoenix
    Semens James
    ESL/BU 095
    Instructor MA United States International University
    Shirley Jano, BU 097 Instructor M.Ed. San Diego University
    Stanley Etse
    BU 098, MS 095
    Instructor M.A.,M.Ed Capella University/University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Taylor Elidok
    SS 100
    Instructor MA, Education San Diego University
    Katherine Schulte
    MS 095
    Instructor MA Western Governors University

  9. Program Indicators

    1. Assessment of course student learning outcomes of program courses

    Fall 2012
    BK 095/44 100% 90% 53%          
    BK096 Not offered
    BU095/27 77% 77% 77% 77% 77% 77% 77% 77%
    BU098/25 88% 88% 88% 88%        
    BU 099b/10 100% 100% 100% 100%        
    CA100s/25 88% 88% 100% 92% 100% 100% 92%  
    CA101s Not offered
    ESL/BU095/20 95% 85% 100%          
    ESL/BU095/20 60% 100% 100% 100%        
    SS 100/58 95% 100% 100% 100%        

    2.Assessment of program student learning outcomes

    -AY 2012-2013
    The Secretarial Science Program certificate assessed all six (6) PLO questions designed to determine the employability of the students and continuity of the program. All 10 courses were assessed based on a passing scale of 70%, a "C" or better.

    1. PSLO #1: Assessment based on BK 095, BK096, and BU099b
      • 77 out of 120 students or 64% passed with a "C" or better.
    2. PSLO #2: Assessment based on CA100s, CA101s, and BU099b
      • 46 out of 53 students or 87% passed with a "C" or better.
    3. PSLO #3: Assessment based on BU095 and BU099B
      • 33 out of 36 students or 86% passed with a "C" or better.
    4. PSLO #4: Assessment based on ESL/BU095, ESL/BU096, SS100, and BU99b
      • 182 out of 223 or 82% passed with a "C"or better.
    5. PSLO #5: Assessment based on BU098 and BU099b
      • 46 out of 57 students or 81% passed with a "C" or better.

    3.Program enrollment (historical enrollment patterns, student credits by major)

    Enrollment by Major and Campus
    Major Degree Term Pohnpei   Major Degree Term Pohnpei
    Secretarial Science CA Fall 2012 37   Secretarial Science CA Fall 2012 325
    Secretarial Science CA Spring 2013 28   Secretarial Science CA Spring 2013 51
    Secretarial Science CA Fall 2013 51   Secretarial Science CA Fall 2013 479
    Total 116   Total 1091

    4.Average Class Size

    Fall 2012 Term Section EnrollMax Enrollment EnrollRatio AvgClassSize
    Secretarial Science (CA) Fall 2012 6 77 70 90.90% 11.7
    Secretarial Science (CA) Spring 2013 4 70 49 70.0% 12.3
    Secretarial Science (CA) Fall 2013 5 56 32 57.10% 6.4

    5.Course completion rate

    Term Campus Subject Count Ofidentity ABC or P ABCD or P %ABC or P %ABCD or P
    2012 P BK 095 71 32 47 45% 66%
    2012 P BK 096 20 9 14 45.0% 70.%
    2012 P BU 095 78 47 58 60.0% 74.%
    2012 P BU 098 101 69 77 68.0% 76.%
    2012 P BU 099b 10 10 10 100.0% 100.%
    2012 P CA 100s 51 36 40 70.6% 78.4%
    2012 P CA 101s 25 23 24 92.0% 96.0%
    2012 P ESL/BU 095 75 40 52 53% 69%
    2012 P ESL/BU 096 41 26 33 63% 80%
    2012 P SS 100 134 108 121 81% 90%

    Term Campus Subject Count Ofidentity ABC or P ABCD or P %ABC or P %ABCD or P
    2013 P BK 095 102 56 76 55% 75%
    2013 P BK 096 22 14 17 64.0% 77.%
    2013 P BU 095 78 48 56 61.5% 71.8%
    2013 P BU 098 101 71 81 70.0% 80.%
    2013 P CA 100s 22 18 21 82% 95%
    2013 P CA 101s 20 17 18 85% 90.0%
    2013 P ESL/BU 095 113 56 74 50% 65%
    2013 P ESL/BU 096 36 29 34 81% 94%
    2013 P SS 100 172 137 130 80% 76%

    6. Student persistence rate (semester to semester)

    Table IV -Student Persistent Rate
    Major Descriptive Degree New Students FT 2011_3 Students 2012_1 Students 2012_3 Persistence Spring 2012 Retention Fall 2012
    Secretarial Science CA 22 21 11 95.5% 50.0%
    Major Descriptive Degree New FT Fall 2012 Persisted Spring 2013 Retained Fall 2013 Persistence Spring 2013 Retention Fall 2013
    Secretarial Science CA 15 15 10 100% 66.7%3

    Source of Document COMFSM Student Service Record

    7. Student retention rate (Fall-to-Fall for two-year programs; Fall-to-Spring for one-year programs)

    Table V-Student Retention Rate
    Major Descriptive Degree New Students FT 2011_3 Students 2012_1 Students 2012_3 Persistence Spring 2012 Retention Fall 2012
    Secretarial Science CA 22 21 11 95.5% 50%
    Major Descriptive Degree New FT Fall 2012 Persisted Spring 2013 Retained Fall 2013 Persistence Spring 2013 Retention Fall 2013
    Secretarial Science CA 15 15 10 100% 66.7%

    8. Success rates on licensing or certification exams (CTE, TP, Nursing, etc)


    9. Graduation rate based on yearly number

    Graduates 4
    Major Degree AY2010/11 AY2011/12 AY2012/13
    Secretarial Science CA   2 7
    Graduate Rates
    Major Degree Cohort New Full Students Graduation Rate 100% Graduation Rate 150% Graduation Rate 200%
    Secretarial Science CA Fall 2009FT 5 0.0% 0.0 0.0%
    Secretarial Science CA Fall 2010FT 28 0.0% 3.6%  td>

    10.Students seat cost

    No Data

    11. Cost of duplicate or redundant courses, programs or services

    No Data

    12. Students' satisfaction rate

    No data for Pohnpei Campus, only Chuuk Campus 100%

    13. Alumni data

    Palasko, Shirlyann
    Fall 2012
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    Obispo, Viola
    Spring 2013
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    Pelep, Sunaileen
    Spring 2013
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    Oliver, Pernisy
    Summer 2013
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    Peter, Selihner
    Summer 2013
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    Augustine, Gloveera
    Fall 2013
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    Salik, Rayleen
    Fall 2013
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    Stephen, Ingrod
    Fall 2013
    Certificate of Achievement-Secretarial Science

    14. Employment data and employer feedback (employer survey)

    No Data

    15.Program added or cancelled at nearby regional institutions (PCC, GCC, Hawaii schools, UOG, CMI, NMC)

    Guam Community College-Two programs might be equivalent although the classes offered might be too advanced for our students as they start from 100-200 levels:

    The Certificate in Supervision and Management program prepares students for entry-level and assistant management positions in supervision and management. 37 credits Office Technology Certificate: This certificate is designed for the purpose of upgrading the competencies of clerical and secretarial employees to facilitate advancement. 39 credits

    GCC Data 6/5/2014

  10. Analysis and Recommendation

    This section provides discussion of information discovered as a result of the evaluation such as problems or concerns with the program and what part of the program is working well and meeting expectation.

    1. PLO1 results need to be improved to meet the target of 70% or better.
      • Textbooks has to be determined whether it's appropriate for BK 095 and BK 096
      • Computer aided projects/exercises not being done due to students' unfamiliarity with technology tools.
    2. PLO2 needs modification to maximize time and student's ability to assimilate information
      • CA100s can include presentation applications
      • CA101s can delete presentation application to allow students to fully practice and comprehend spreadsheet and database concepts
    3. PLO3/PLO6 will be more effectively assessed if students have technology skills before taking BU 095
    4. PLO4
      • ESL/BU instructor indicated that it's hard to assess listening/speaking skills based on SLO2.1 and 2.2.
      • Textbook is also questioned whether it's appropriate to the reading level of students.
    5. PLO5
      • BU098-students who are tested into MS099 need not take this course. Pre-requisite courses should include MS095 and BK095.
    6. (Secretarial Science PAS for AY 2012-2013)

    7. Statistics might be inaccurate because students enrolled in courses shared by both programs can either be Bookkeeping or Secretarial Science majors.


    This section provides recommendations from the program on what to do to improve or enhance the quality of program and course learning outcomes as well as program goals and objectives. This section should also include suggestions that describe how the program might be able to create opportunities for a better program in the future. Some examples are exploring alternate delivery mechanisms, forming external partnerships, or realigning with other programs.

    1. Recommendations for the Program:
      • Recommended changing textbook for BK since accounting for merchandising corporation is too challenging for certificate level students.
      • Textbook for ESL/BU 095/096 is not appropriate for ESL work.
      • Review all SS course outlines and revise, if needed.
    2. Recommendations for students:
      • Students should take CA100s/CA101s or CA100 before taking BK095 and BU095 since computer aided exercises were not fully utilized due to students' inability to use computer application skills.
      • CA100s-Instructor recommended that MS PowerPoint should be included in this course because the lessons covered were too easily assimilated to last a whole semester.
      • CA101s-Instructor recommended that MS PowerPoint be taken out and added to CA100s to enable student to spend more time with the spreadsheet and database applications.
      • CA100s and CA101s can be used to substitute CA100 because they have the same content.

      (Secretarial Science PAS for AY 2012-2013)

    3. It is strongly recommended that the Secretarial Science
      Program merge with the Bookkeeping program due to the following:
      • PLOs are similar
      • Utilize same faculty/facilities
      • Courses for the two programs are the same except for the computer classes, math and entrepreneurship class.
      • The BU 098 can be used as the math course so delete MS 095, add ESL 089 in order for students to be able to take CA100, keep BU 097, and delete CA100s and CA101s.
      • The ESL 089 will help prepare the students for the COMET.
      • The CA100 course is equivalent to CA100s and CA101s combined
      • The CA100 will also decrease the number of required courses should the students transfer to degree programs.
    4. The new proposed name is Administrative Professional Program and will have the following courses for a total of 35 credits.
      • BK 095/096 (6)
      • BU 095 (3)
      • BU 097 (3)
      • BU 098 (3)
      • BU100 (3)
      • CA100 (3)
      • ESL 089 (3)
      • ESL/BU 095/096 (8)
      • SS100 (3)
    5. Strongly recommended that existing PLOs and SLOs are amended to reflect the changes in the merged program and to be assessable.

Challenges/Recommendations encountered during program review process:

  • No data available and had to request from OAR or IRPO
  • Data not consistent between OAR and IRPO-e.g. Graduation rates
  • Most data based on system wide instead of campus. e.g. retention/persistence/average/graduation rate
  • Shouldn't % add up to 100% on tables? e.g. Course completion rates?
  • It would be easier in the future for program supervisors to have Report or View access to SIS for this important review. Then we can generate our own campus/program data.
  • Program review should be done by Assessment Coordinator or IRPO since all data are submitted to TracDat and SIS. This will ensure validity/credibility of the program review and also avoid bias.

Unit Assessment Report

Report Period: 2013-2014

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