Program Review-Construction Electricity

AP Full Official:Certificate of Achievement in Construction Electricity

Campus: Pohnpei Campus

Completed by: Romino Victor

AP Review Submission Date:March 2014

AR Review Cycle: 2012-2013

  1. Program Goals

    This program is designed to develop technical skills and practical experience to prepare the students for positions as electrician in this field. Students will be introduced to theory, installation and practices in troubleshooting residential and industrial circuits.

  2. Program History

    This program of Certificate in Construction Electricity was approved in 1998 giving the vocational division full authority to implement the said program. Then in 2003, the Applied Associate Degree in Building Technology major in Construction Electricity was approved giving students in the certificate level the opportunity to further their education in the electrical field.


    • 1998 – Certificate of Achievement for Construction Electricity was approved for implementation.
    • 2000 – Initial course was offered with 3 full time students.
    • 2002 – Hired 1st local instructor to teach full time due to an increase number of students registering in the program.
    • 2005 – Full time instructor was hired to teach and assist in developing/updating courseware and program assessment.
    • 2007 – Electrical Shop was transferred to Auto-mechanic shop to provide students more space and suitable for learning skills environment.
      * Computer-Lab was constructed for Basic and Advance courses.
      * 14 computers provided for NIDA lessons.
    • 2008 – Currently working on course modifications to improve quality and course delivery based on recommendations from program/course assessment.
    • 2012- Hired as Acting Coordinator Apprenticeship Program to update trainees on progress report and budget for the program.
    • 2012 – On the approval of the campus director through division chair’s recommendation, the Simutech troubleshooting skills series software version 3.0 was updates to version 4.0 with its more advance features to be used on the VEM 111 Electrical wiring I.
    • 2013 – Program matrix on CSLO’s PLO’s and ILO’s were updated to align and meet the required competencies that the students should acquire upon their degree completion in the college.
    • 2014- Submit program review for 2 year cycle (2012-2013) to determine courses/ program improvements and alignment to present skills in demand or the competency required in the electrical program which was bench mark with neighboring community colleges.

    Since its full implementation of the program, students enrolled in these courses were trained and develop their theoretical, analytical and practical/hands-on skills. They’ve been involved in doing electrical maintenance work in school rooms and buildings of Pohnpei campus.

    Significant milestones / current activities:

    Since its implementation to date, students in the construction electricity program were involved in various activities such as repairs and maintenance services of electrical fixtures of the college (Pohnpei Campus – T&T Division) classrooms and workshops, provides installation services for FM station for students to do their practical exercises.

  3. Program Descriptions


    The construction electricity in major offers academic coursework, technical skills training and practical experience to prepare the students for positions as Electrician in this field. They are introduced to theory, installation and practical troubleshooting residential circuits.

  4. Program Admission Requirements

    High school graduate or GED certificate holder. Acceptance by the Admissions Board is based on the applicant’s score on the COMET and other criteria as defined by the Admissions Board.

    Program Requirements

    Certificate of Achievement in Construction Electricity
    Program Requirements:
            General Education Requirements:....................17 credits

                     BU 097 Intro to Entrepreneurship (3)
                    ESL 050 Technical English (3)
                    MS 104 Technical Math (4)
                    MS 106 Technical Math (4)
                    CA 95 Introduction to Computer (3)

            Technical Requirements:....................21 credits

                    VEM 102 Electrical Drawing and Sketching (1.5)
                    VEM 103 Basic Electricity I (4)
                    VEM 104 Basic Electricity II (5)
                    VEM 110 Workshop Fabrication/Hand and Power Tool Skills (3)
                    VEM 111 Electrical Wiring I (3)
                    VEM 112 Electrical Wiring II (3)
                    VSP 121 Industrial Safety Electrical/Electronic (1.5)

    Total Credit Requirements:....................38credits

  5. Program Certificate/Degree Requirements

    Certificate program course requirements are listed in the table below.

    Technical Requirements General Education Requirements
    VSP121 Industrial Safety ESL050 Technical English or SS100 World of Work
    VEM110 Workshop Fabrication MS104 Technical Math I
    VEM102 Electrical Drawing & Sketching MS 106 Technical Math II
    VEM103 Basic Electricity I CA095 Basic Computer Application
    VEM104 Basic Electricity II  
    VEM111 Electrical Wiring I  
    VEM111 Electrical Wiring II  

    Table 1: Construction electricity course requirement.
    Source: College of Micronesia General Catalog

  6. Program Courses and Enrollment

    Course Fall 12 Spring 12 Fall 13 Spring 13
    VSP 121 52(divided in two sections)   20  
    VEM 102 16   14 1
    VEM 103 15   16  
    VEM 104   11   14
    VEM 110 15   14 17
    VEM 111   29(divided in two sections) 14 14
    VEM 112   22(divided in two sections)   11

    Table 2: Construction electricity course enrollment
    Source: Data base on SIS extracts by IRPO- COMFSM website and teacher record book.

    Above table 1 shows program enrollment figures from Fall 2012- Spring 2013. In the some cases like 100’s courses, there are instances the classes are group in two section to meet classroom size, lab equipment availability and safety concerns.

  7. Program Faculty

    1. Romino Victor -Assistant Professor ( Teaching certificate program)
      AAS in Building Technology major in Electrical
      USDOL, Journeyman Certificate in Electrical
      COM-FSM, Federates States of Micronesia

    2. Cirilo B. Recana - Professor ( Teaching Advanced and AAS program)
      B.S. Industrial Education major in Electrical Technology MIST, Philippines
      Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching major in Electricity MIST, Philippines
  8. Program Indicators

    1. Assessment of course student learning outcomes of program courses

    See appendix A, generated report from Tracdat on unit course assessment of CSLOs. This report summarizes the course student learning outcomes (CSLOs) strategies target and task.

    2.Assessment of program student learning outcomes

    See appendix B, generated report from Tracdat on assessment impact by unit objectives on PSLOs. This report summarizes the program student learning outcomes (PSLOs), target and improvements on the findings.

    3.Program enrollment (historical enrollment patterns, student credits by major)

    Semester No.of Students Ave.Credit Enrolled Credits by Major Credits by Program
    FA 2012 20 9.2 199 228
    SP 2012 16 10.2 177 337.5
    FA 2013 29 10.5 366 301
    SP 2013 20 7.2 192 195.5

    Table 3: Construction electricity program enrollment and credits per semester.
    Source: Data base on SIS extracts by IRPO-COMFSM website.

    4.Average Class Size

    Major Term Section Enroll/Max Enrollment EnrollRatio AvgClassSize
    Construction Electricity Fall 2012 5 85 76 89.4% 15.2
    Construction Electricity Fall 2013 6 103 92 89.3% 15.3
    Construction Electricity Spring 2012 9 126 104 82.5% 11.6
    Construction Electricity Spring2013 7 110 85 77.3% 12.1

    Table 5 Average class size
    Source: Data base on SIS extracts by IRPO COMFSM website

    5.Course completion rate

    Course Completion & Withdrawals (Major)
    Major Degree Term Students ABCorP% ABCDorP% W%
    Construction Electricity CA Fall 2012 67 68.7% 82.1% 6.0%
    Construction Electricity/td> CA Fall 2013 104 59.6% 68.3% 6.7%
    Construction Electricity CA Fall 2013 120 75.0% 82.5% 8.3%
    Construction Electricity CA Spring 2012 50 62.0% 72.0% 8.0%
    Construction Electricity CA Spring 2013 56 50.0% 60.7% 26.8%

    Course Completion & Withdrawals (Program)
    Program Term Students ABCorP% ABCDorP% W%
    Construction Electricity Fall2012 79 81.0% 89.9% 3.8%
    Construction Electricity Fall2013 101 83.2% 88.1% 7.9%
    Construction Electricity) Fall2013 120 75.0% 87.5% 7.5%
    Construction Electricity Spring 2012 90 81.1% 87.8% 5.6%

    Table 5:Course completion and withdrawal (major & programs)
    Source: Data base on SIS extracts by IRPO-COMFSM website

    6. Student persistence rate (semester to semester)

    Table 6 Persistence
    Source: Data base by IRPO- COMFSM website
    Major Description Degree New Students FT 2011_3 Students 2012_1 Students 2012_3 Persistence Spring 2012 Retention Fall 2012
    Construction Electricity CA 9 6 3 66.7% 33.3%

    7. Student retention rate (Fall-to-Fall for two-year programs; Fall-to-Spring for one-year programs)

    Table 7 Retention rate from fall to fall for 2 years program
    Source: Data base by IRPO- COMFSM website
    Major Description Degree New FT Fall 2012 Persisted Fall 2013 Retained Fall 2013 Persistence Spring 2013 Retention Fall 2013
    Construction Electricity CA 6 6 4 100% 66.7%

    8. Success rates on licensing or certification exams (CTE, TP, Nursing, etc)

    Currently there is no licensing or certificate available for students of CE program in the FSM however; we’re looking for NCCER core certificate in Guam and SEPAI renewable energy affiliation for electrical practitioners in the South island nations.

    9. Graduation rate based on yearly number

    Major Degree Year 2012 Year 2013
    Year 2012 CA 2 1

    Table 8. Construction electricity program graduation rate based on yearly number.
    Source: Data base on SIS extracts by IRPO-COMFSM web site.

    10.Students seat cost


    11. Cost of duplicate or redundant courses, programs or services


    12. Students' satisfaction rate

    Points: Always 5, Usually 4, Sometimes 3, Rarely 2, Never 1

    Fall 2012
    Classes # of Students Total Average
    VEM 102 16 4.7
    VEM 103 15 4.5
    VEM 110 16 4.9
    VSP 121 52 4.4
    Total 99 4.6

    Spring 2012
    Classes # of Students Total Average
    VEM 104 11 4.9
    VEM 111 29 4.2
    VEM 112 22 4.6
    Total 62 4.6

    Fall 2013
    Classes # of Students Total Average
    VEM 102 14 4.9
    VEM 103 16 4.1
    VEM 110 14 4.4
    VSP 121 20 4.6
    Total 64 4.5

    Spring 2013
    Classes # of Students Total Average
    VEM 102 1 5
    VEM 104 14 3.9
    VEM 110 17 4.7
    VEM 111 14 4.3
    VEM 112 11 4.8
    Total 57 4.5

    Table 9 : Summary of students’ satisfaction rate
    Source: T&T Division

    13. Alumni data


    14. Employment data and employer feedback (employer survey)


    15.Program added or cancelled at nearby regional institutions (PCC, GCC, Hawaii schools, UOG, CMI, NMC)

    College Certificate Credits
    COM- FSM (T&T) 38Credits
    HCC (EIMT) 45 Credits
    GCC (CT) 29-38 credits

    Table 10: Program added or cancelled at nearby regional institutions
    Source: COMFSM general catalog and website

    16. Transfer Rate

    Out of 87students that registered in this program from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013 an average of 17% were able to pursue/ continue to AAS degree after passing their COMET.

  9. Analysis and Recommendation

    This section provides discussion of information discovered as a result of the evaluation such as problems or concerns with the program and what part of the program is working well and meeting expectation.

    The above program evaluation has resulted in the following findings:

    1. Table 1 shows the technical and general education requirements for certificate and degree students. This shows that gen ed. courses must meet pre-requisite courses before they can take their required courses which makes the students stays longer in their academic classes.
    2. Table 2 course enrollment rate shows decrease of freshmen enrolling in the certificate level. This could to lead to only few students’ pursuit to AAS degree program.
    3. Start making a survey through the office of IRPO in the community to track the employability of our graduates’ not only electrical programs but all programs of the division so we can check and balance the effectiveness of our programs.
    4. Student satisfaction rate for course instructor shows a high degree of satisfaction rate of the students taking the courses as identified in this program review.
    5. Every semester we encounter scarcity of financial resources and this can be found in the finding of each (CSLO)


    This section provides recommendations from the program on what to do to improve or enhance the quality of program and course learning outcomes as well as program goals and objectives. This section should also include suggestions that describe how the program might be able to create opportunities for a better program in the future. Some examples are exploring alternate delivery mechanisms, forming external partnerships, or realigning with other programs.

    1. General Academic courses required for vocational students like math, science and English can just directly taken as per required in their program. This will avoid prolonging the time spent by the students in repeating those classes and causing them to hold some classes in their technical and major courses.
    2. To accommodate increasing number of freshmen taking our courses, and focusing to the individual learning needs of the student, classes can be split into groups or section to create good environment for learning.
    3. Start making a survey through the office of IRPO in the community to track the employability of our graduates not only electrical programs but all programs of the division so we can check and balance the effectiveness of our programs.
    4. Modify/Revise some courses into SLO format to become more achievable.
    5. Modify/Revise course program and add courses that provides needed knowledge and skills required in their field such as;
      • Combining workshop fabrication and electrical wiring II course to make it into one (4 credit) course.
    6. Institutionalize budget for T&T division.

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